Innovation in Large versus Small Firms

In 1940s, Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter argued that large firms would be more effective innovators and he point out that better able to obtain financing for R&D projects and better able to spread costs of R&D over large volume. Large size firms may also enable for greater economies of scale and learning effect and taking on large scale or risky projects. However, large firms might also be disadvantaged at innovation because; R&D efficiency might decrease due to loss of managerial control Large firms have more bureaucratic inertia More strategic commitments tie firm to current technologies Small firms often considered more flexible and entrepreneurial. Many big firms have found ways of “feeling small” because break overall firm into several sub-units and can utilize different culture and controls in different units. A large firm gains experience in choosing and developing innovation projects, it may learn to make better selections of projects that Continue reading

Concept of National Innovation Systems

There is no widely agreed definition of national innovation systems. National innovation systems are built on the assumption that understanding the interconnectedness of the actors engaged in innovation is crucial to enhancing technical performance. Innovation and technological advancement are the outcomes of a multifaceted network of connections between actors who produce, transmit, and consume various types of knowledge. The manners in which these actors interrelate with one another as components of a social system of knowledge consumption and generation, and also the technology they employ, have a significant influence on a country’s creative performance. The most prevalent actors are public research institutions, universities, and commercial enterprises, as well as the individuals who work for them. Equipment acquisitions, cross-patenting, personnel exchanges, joint research, and a number of other methods can be used to establish links. The analysis of national innovation systems emphasis on knowledge flows. The focus of analysis is increasingly Continue reading

Organizational Success through Creativity and Innovation

Creativity and innovation are generally understood as routine drivers of successful organizational growth. Organizations are facing enormous pressure to innovate in order to attain competitive advantage from the global environment that is increasingly becoming intricate and competitive. Due to this, organizational management has to inculcate or reinforce culture of creativity and innovation within organization; however, much of the focus in this endeavor is on the individual level but team work is also essentially encouraged. Individuals are of vital importance in creativity and the innovation process requires a supportive well-managed atmosphere that can translate novel ideas into innovative product effectively. Generally the two concepts are diverse as creativity can be production of new ideas and concepts, which are applied through a process, which then becomes innovation. This states that any innovation is a process that is based on the creativity of mind(s) and creativity is reliant on innovation to become tangible. Continue reading

What is Innovative Leadership?

Just as the Apple CEO Steve Jobs said, ‘innovation is about the people…and how you’re led…”. People are the key assets to an innovative organization. No matter the size of a company, leadership is vital. Without a good leadership, an organisation will fall into chaos. Poor leaderships will have adverse effects on an organisation. Talent is scarce and creative people are highly in demand. Innovative leadership integrates innovation processes with talented people, in another word, to change organisation climate and deploy people to facilitate innovation in organisations through behaviors of leadership, by various leadership styles, or leadership priorities. Being visionary is a typical behavior of an innovative leader. Innovation leader always has some visions of lifting up prospects of an organisation. In this sense, innovative leaders are necessarily innovators, who facilitate inventions to materialize their visions of better prospect of an organisation. Creating visionary strategy is the fundamental task for Continue reading

Why Business Models Matter in Business?

Business model is a concept used in explaining various aspects of the business ranging from its value proposition to the innovation process that a particular business entity wants to adapt in its business activity. A a business model comprises two elements. These are a specific business system and a profit model. The aim of framing a business model is to conceptualize a picture on how a business operates in its operating environment. In addition to this, a business model also provides the opportunity of using the available resources best as per the ability of the firm. The aim of the firm is to maximize the utilization of the resources available to them. The two components of the business model are inclined towards describing the maximum utilization of the resources and deliver the products to the consumers in a profitable manner. The business system is concerned with the system of work Continue reading

Open Innovation vs. Closed Innovation

Innovation is one of the important catalysts to the sustainable organizational growth and performance. The term of innovation is already used over the century ago and innovation meaning is focus more on the changes or improvement made by the organization either to their product/services, processes and paradigm. Innovation is the use of new technological and market knowledge to offer a new product or service that customer want and the new product must new, lower cost and the attributes of the product are improved with the attributes that never existed in the market before. The concept of innovation also defined as the process of making changes of something established by introducing something new that adds value to customers and contributes to the knowledge store of the organization. In simple words, innovation is described as a change that is made to the product and services and also to the process. Innovation has Continue reading