The survival and progression of businesses in the 21st century is highly dependent on the ability of firms to expand beyond their national borders, taking into account the cost effectiveness of expansion and the complexity and risks associated with the company’s chosen international business strategy. The resources and objectives of a firm, as well as the demand for their product outside their national borders are important in taking the decision to globalize a company’s products and/or services. Although three strategies are more common, namely multi domestic, global and transnational approaches, the fourth strategy available to firms is the international approach to global expansion. This article will analyze the two approaches that differ in local responsiveness and cost pressure for the business, with the international approach as the least responsive and expensive for the company and the transnational approach as the most costly and locally focused from the four options available Continue reading
International Business Management
Trends in International Trade and Cross Border Financial Flows
When a firm operates only in the domestic market, both for procuring inputs as well as selling its output, it needs to deal only in the domestic currency. As companies try to increase their international presence, either by undertaking international trade or by establishing operations in foreign countries, they start dealing with people and firms in various nations. Since different countries have different domestic currencies, the question arises as to which currency should the trade be settled in. The settlement currency may either be the domestic currency of one of the parties to the trade, or may be an internationally accepted currency. This gives rise to the problem of dealing with a number of currencies. The mechanism by which the exchange rate between these currencies (i.e., the value of one currency in terms of another) is determined, along with the level and the variability of the exchange rates can have Continue reading
Growth Strategies Followed by MNC’s
Growth is a way of life. Almost all organizations plan to expand. This strategy is followed when an organization aims at higher growth by broadening its one or more of its business in terms of their respective customer groups, customers functions, and alternative technologies singly or jointly — in order to improve its overall performance. There are four types of expansion (Growth) strategies Expansion through concentration Expansion through integration Expansion through diversification Expansion through cooperation 1. Expansion through concentration It involves converging resources in one or more of firms businesses in terms of their respective customer needs, customer functions, or alternative technologies either singly or jointly, in such a manner that it results in expansions. A firm that is familiar with an industry would naturally like to invest more in known business rather than unknown business. Concentration can be done through Market Penetration: It involves selling more products to the Continue reading
International Asset Protection
Company’s investments and other assets in foreign countries may face the risk of expropriation. Governments are therefore concerned about the protection of the interests of their national companies in the foreign countries. The potential risk was more before the worldwide liberalization set in the 1980s. Important protective measures in this respect include the following: Coercion and Pressure Until the Second World War, home countries used military force and coercion to ensure that host governments would give foreign investors prompt, adequate, and effective compensation in cases of expropriation, under a concept known as the international standard of fair dealing. It may be noted that the home countries of the companies involved were developed ones and the host countries were developing nations and these host countries had little to say about this standard. In a two conference held at The Hague in 1930 and at Montevideo in 1933, participating developing countries got Continue reading
Issues of International Technology Transfers
International technology transfer is the process by which a technology, expertise, know how or facilities developed by one business organization (MNC in the case of international business) is transferred to another business organization. There are many issues associated with the international technology transfer. The most important international technology transfer issues are; ways of technology acquisition, choice of technology, terms of technology transfer, and creating local capability. Modes of Foreign Technology Acquisition One of the major issues in technology transfer relates to the mode of acquisition. Developing new technology may conjure up visions of scientists and product developers working in R&D laboratories. In reality, new technology comes from many different sources, including suppliers, manufactures, users, other industries, universities, government, and MNCs . While every source needs to be explored, each firm has specific sources for most of the new technologies. For example, because of the limited size of most farming operations, Continue reading
The Relevance of Stakeholder Management in International Business Context
Stakeholders can be defined as an internal and external party to the organization which is having interest in the operations of the organization. Stakeholders can create an impact on the actions, objectives, and policies of the organization. Stakeholders may get affected by the objectives, policies, and actions of the business. Stakeholders may have a direct or indirect interest in the operations of the organization. Stakeholders of an organization can be of different types. These different types of stakeholders include management and employees, customers, investors and suppliers, banks and other financial organizations, government, trade unions and pressure groups. The term stakeholder management can be defined as the process of engaging and enrolling the stakeholders in the operations of the business so as to make them accountable, responsible, consulted and informed. Stakeholder management is concerned regarding the fit between the values or the organization and expectations of the stakeholders for determining the Continue reading