The Edgeworth Box

In 1881,  Francis Y. Edgeworth  came up with  a way of representing, using  the same axis,  indifference curves  and  the corresponding  contract curve  in his book “Mathematical Psychics: an Essay on the Application of Mathematics to the Moral Sciences”.  It was  Vilfredo Pareto, in his book “Manual of Political Economy”, 1906, who developed Edgeworth’s ideas into a more understandable and simpler diagram, which today we call the Edgeworth box. Edgeworth box a conceptual device for analyzing possible trading relationships  between two  individuals or countries, using indifference curves. It is constructed by taking the indifference map of one individual (B) for two goods (X and Y) and inverting it to face the indifference map of second individual (A) for the same two goods. Thus,  Edgeworth box is a traditional visualization of the benefits potentially available from international trade. Individual A’s preferences are depicted the three indifference curves A1, A2 and corresponding Continue reading

The Potential Impact of Multilateral Framework on Investments (MFIs)

The development of an Multilateral Framework on Investment (MFI), if such a framework were to be negotiated, would  represent a change in the policy-framework cluster of determinants. Although  such a framework might also affect some elements of business facilitation (such  as investment incentives), it would not involve significant and direct changes in  the principal economic determinants. Indeed, by making Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)  policies potentially  more similar, an MFI would underline the importance of economic (and  business facilitation) factors in determining FDI flows.  The precise effect of an MFI on the policy-framework cluster of determinants  would depend on its content, including definitions, scope and safeguards.  Because an MFI is only a hypothesis, three scenarios, based on differing  assumptions, are discussed below for purely analytical purposes. The specific  implications of each scenario would vary from country to country in accordance  with specific economic and developmental conditions and specific national  stances vis-a-vis Continue reading

Dumping Concept in Managerial Economics

The term Dumping means selling a firms product in foreign market at a price lower than in the home market.  Dumping is a form of price discrimination. Let us elaborate ‘dumping’ by considering the following illustrations : Suppose the producer is selling in two markets; viz, the home market and the world market.   In the home market he is saddled as a monopolist but in the world market there is perfect competition.   Let us therefore analyse the price-output policy of the producer under this peculiar situation.  Since there is perfect competition in the world market, the producer has to take the price which prevails in the world market.   This is represented by the horizontal average revenue curve ARw and the marginal revenue curve coincides with the average revenue curve.   Thus ARw = MRw.   However, in the home market he is a monopolist and therefore average Continue reading

Full Capital Account Convertibility (FCAC)

Capital Account convertibility in its entirety would mean that any individual, be it Indian or Foreigner will be allowed to bring in any amount of foreign currency into the country. Full capital account convertibility also known as Floating rupee means the removal of all controls on the cross-border movement of capital, out of India to anywhere else or vice versa. Capital account convertibility or CAC refers to the freedom to convert local financial assets into foreign financial assets or vice versa at market-determined rates of interest. If CAC is introduced along with current account convertibility it would mean full convertibility. Complete convertibility would mean no restrictions and no questions. In general, restrictions on foreign currency movements are placed by developing countries which have faced foreign exchange problems in the past is to avoid sudden erosion of their foreign exchange reserves which are essential to maintain stability of trade balance and Continue reading

Asset Securitization – Meaning, Process, Parties Involved and Benefits

Asset securitization is way of financing for lenders to obtain funds in the capital markets for the origination of consumer and business loans. It is different from the traditional way of financing, where lenders finance loan origination’s with deposits. Started in 1970, the asset securitization market had a remarkable history of growth and development. By 2000, it became the largest sector of the U.S fixed income securities market. In matured capital market, asset securitization has proven to be an efficient way of financing in that it reduces the ultimate funding cost for the borrower, improves the financial operation for the lender and provides diversified investment products for the investor. The Process of Asset Securitization In today’s world, asset securitization means a process by which one entity pools its interest in a series of identifiable future cash flows and then transfers the claims on those future cash flows to another entity Continue reading

Role of Fiscal Policy in Economic Development

Fiscal policy refers to the guiding principles of the financial work which are constituted by the state based on political, economic and social development tasks under a certain period. Its purpose is to regulate aggregate demand through government’s spending and tax policies. On the one hand, an increase in government spending will stimulate aggregate demand and increase the national income. Correspondingly, a decrease will depress aggregate demand and reduce national income. On the other hand, a tax is a kind of contraction strength to national income. Therefore, the aggregate demand and the national income will be restrained though increasing government revenue. And they will be increased due to reducing in government revenue as well. The fiscal policy with a distinct class character is formulated by the state, represents the will and interests of the ruling class, and is subject to a certain level of development of social productive forces and Continue reading