Swap is yet another exciting trading instrument. In fact, it is a combination of forwards by two counter-parties. It is arranged to reap the benefits arising from the fluctuation in the market — either currency market or interest rate market or any other market for that matter. Features of Swap The following are the important features of swap: Basically a forward: A swap is nothing but a combination of forwards. So, it has all the properties of a forward contract discussed above. Double coincidence of wants: Swap requires that two parties with equal and opposite needs must come into contact with each other. As stated earlier, it is a combination of forwards by two counterparties with opposite but matching needs. For instance, the rate of interest differs from market to market and within the market itself. It varies from borrowers to borrowers due to the relative credit worthiness of borrowers. Continue reading
Investment Options
Gold Investment – Meaning and Benefits
Since prehistoric time, human are using the gold in trading and value keeping asset. Even current financial activities are always surrounding by the gold issue. The ancient treated the gold as the true form of wealth. Gold has been using early in 4000 B.C as a fashion decorative object in where today Eastern Europe is centered. In 1500 B.C the gigantic gold-bearing regions of Nubia made Egypt a wealthy nation. By the time the gold has widely recognize as the standard form of medium of exchange for international trade. Gold is represented the royal and honorable in different religious and cultural area. Its aesthetic appearance is the finest ornament above all other metal. Gold play the role in all aspect around us, such as religious customs, reward system, ornament, jewellery, and even the component of industrial product. Gold exist and be using for decade, its intrinsic value is still maintain Continue reading
Learn about Securities Investments – Buying and Selling
Buying Deciding on the proper time to purchase a security that you would like to add to your holdings can be a daunting task. If the price drops immediately after you buy, it may seem as if you missed out on a better buying opportunity. If the price jumps right before you make your move, you may feel as if you paid too much. As it turns out, you should not let these small fluctuations influence your decision too much. As long as the fundamentals that led you to decide on the purchase have not changed, a few points in either direction should not have a large impact on the long-term value of your investment. Similarly, the fact that an investment has been increasing in value of late is not a sufficient reason for you to purchase it. Momentum can be very fickle, and recent movement is not necessarily an Continue reading
Sub Categories of Active Equity Management
Some of the major sub categories of the two major style of active equity management (top down and bottom up) are listed below; Growth managers: Growth managers can be classified as either top-down or bottom-up. The growth managers are either divided into large capitalization or small capitalization. The growth managers buy securities that are typically selling at relatively high P/E ratios, due to high earnings growth rate, with the expectation of continued high earnings growth. The portfolios are characterized by high P/E ratios, high returns, and relatively low dividend yields. Market timers: The market timer is typically a set category of top-down investment style and comes in many varieties. The basic assumption is that he can forecast the market i.e. when it will go up or down. In the sense he market timer is not too distant than the technical analyst. The portfolio is not fully invested in equities. Rather Continue reading
Introduction to Mutual Funds and Net Asset Value (NAV)
A Mutual Fund is a special type of investment institution which collects or pools the savings of the community and invests large funds in variety of Blue-chip Companies which are selected from a wide range of industries with the objects of maximizing returns/incomes on investments. Mutual Funds are basically a trust which mobilize savings from the people and invest them in a mix of corporate and government securities. Money collected by the investors is invested in various issues of primary and secondary markets in order to gain profits on such investments. A Mutual Fund is a Trust, which combines the investments of various investors having similar financial goals. The Trust issues units to the investors in the proportion of their investments. A fund manager then invests these funds in different types of assets, which provide returns in the form of dividends, interests, and capital appreciation. This is distributed to the Continue reading
Commercial Paper – Definition, Features and Advantages
What is a Commercial Paper? A commercial paper is an unsecured promissory note issued with a fixed maturity by a company approved by RBI, negotiable by endorsement and delivery, issued in bearer form and issued at such discount on the face value as may be determent by the issuing company. Features of Commercial Paper Commercial paper is a short-term money market instrument comprising usince promissory note with a fixed maturity. It is a certificate evidencing an unsecured corporate debt of short term maturity. Commercial paper is issued at a discount to face value basis but it can be issued in interest bearing form. The issuer promises to pay the buyer some fixed amount on some future period but pledge no assets, only his liquidity and established earning power, to guarantee that promise. Commercial paper can be issued directly by a company to investors or through banks/merchant banks. Advantages of Commercial Continue reading