In the past, in almost all the stock exchanges, the broker members of the governing boards have been critical in the governance of the stock exchanges. The reconstitution of the governing boards of the stock exchanges by SEBI, which reduced the broker representation on these boards to 50%, had helped in making the boards more independent and minimized the influence of brokers. However, in most stock exchanges on account of the brokers retaining posts of the officer bearers of the stock exchanges till recently viz. president, vice-president and treasurer, they continued to play a dominant role in the management of the stock exchange. The fall-out of this practice has been that most stock exchanges have failed to develop good corporate governance practices and strong management teams. This has not only been a perception but also a reality in most stock exchanges. Conflicts of interest have bedeviled the operations of the Continue reading
Investment Options
Formula Plans in Portfolio Management
The investor uses formula plans to facilitate him in making investment decisions for the future by exploiting the fluctuations in prices. The formula plans have sketched the basic rules and regulations for purchasing and selling of investments. The formula plans make the average investors superior to others. These formula plans in portfolio management are based on the fact that the investors will not have the problem of forecasting fluctuation in stock prices and will continue to act according to formula. So, formula plans are a type of investment strategy that makes use of pre-determined rules for the nature and timing of change in one’s investment portfolio as the market rises or falls. Rules for Formula Plans These plans work according to a methodology which is related for the working of each plan These plans cannot be used for short periods of time. The longer the period of holding the investments, Continue reading
Different Types/Categories of Mutual Fund Products
Investment companies or investment trusts obtain funds from large number of investors through sale of units. The funds collected from the investors are placed under professional management for the benefit of the investors. There are a variety of ways in which mutual funds are created to accommodate varied risk and return requirements of investors. Depending on the investment portfolio that is created and the segments of the various markets in which funds are invested, there is a choice of funds to investors. Mutual funds can offer further broad choices to the investors in terms of: Nature of participation: Open and close-end funds. Nature of income distribution: Dividend, growth and reinvestment of dividends. Mutual Fund Products based on the Nature of Participation 1. Open-Ended Mutual Funds An open-ended mutual fund remains open for issue and redemption of its shares throughout its unlimited duration. As an open-ended mutual fund is required to Continue reading
Uses of Currency Futures – Hedging, Speculation and Arbitrage
Future contract is normally defined as a standardized agreement with an organized exchange to buy or sell some item, such as a currency or commodity at a fixed price at a certain date in the future. Some contracts for example, foreign currency futures, provide for cash delivery; others, such as Eurodollar futures, are based on some reference price and allow only for cash settlement at maturity. The purpose of futures is not to obtain delivery but to replicate without credit risk, the gains or losses that would occur from an equivalent forward contract. In principle, currency futures are similar to foreign exchange forwards in that they are contracts for delivery of certain amount of a foreign currency at some future date and at known price. But in practice, most futures contracts are terminated before maturity. The most important uses of currency futures are listed below; 1. Hedging: Presume Entity A Continue reading
Inputs for Investment Portfolio Construction
Investment portfolio is a composition of investments with the purpose, of maximizing return and minimizing risk. What individual investments would constitute the composition depends, in the first place, on the goals of the investment portfolio. One of the goal of the investment portfolio is return maximization. To achieve this, a choice of individual investment securities for inclusion in the portfolio is made and the return and risk of such individual investment securities are relevant inputs for investment portfolio construction. Thus, portfolio goal and return and risk of individual securities included in the portfolio are the inputs for investment portfolio construction. Read More: Portfolio investment process Portfolio construction phase in investment portfolio management Portfolio performance evaluation in investment portfolio management Portfolio selection and revision in investment portfolio management Portfolio analysis in investment portfolio management Security analysis phase in investment portfolio management Investment Portfolio Goals As investors differ like cornflakes, their portfolio Continue reading
Different Types of Investment Portfolios
The set of all securities held by an investor is called his investment portfolio. The investment portfolio may contain just one security. However, since in general no one puts all one’s eggs in one basket, it will contain several securities. Such an investment portfolio is knows as a diversified portfolio. An investment portfolio can be classified in the light of following factors such as objectives, risk levels and the level of diversification. Investment Portfolios based on Objectives On the basis of objectives sought, a portfolio can be income portfolio, growth portfolio, mixed portfolio, tax savings portfolio or liquidity portfolio. In income portfolio, the objective is maximum current income. Small investors, investors whose current income needs are high like pensioners and unemployed persons, persons with lower tax brackets prefer income portfolios. Here the portfolio generally consist of fixed income securities like debenture/bonds/income mutual fund/equity with continuous dividend-record. Growth portfolio stress on Continue reading