The Role of Strategic Leadership in Change Management

Strategic Leadership The term ‘strategy’ is very common in the business world today. However, the word ‘strategy’ has been broadly used that it has lost clear meaning. Despite the significance of strategy, there is astoundingly little consensus on what it means. Nonetheless, the fact is that behind every success, there must be a strategy. A strategy is an ambiguous term normally linked to long-term planning, prearranged goals, and a preferred system of creating a balance between the organizational resources and externalities. The contemporary schools of thought in strategic management strongly suggest that strategy should be comprehended as the creation of the organization’s goals, which is realized through joint effort, regarded as a constant process, and distinctive strategic vision and core values are terms that are often used in strategic management. Strategic vision refers to the executive views on the long-term direction. On the other hand, core values are the principles and Continue reading

Case Study: Jack Welch’s Leadership Legacy

Jack Welch was the CEO of General Electric (GE) between 1981 and 2001. He was the youngest CEO to be appointed in the company. He joined the company in 1960 and later promoted to be the vice president in 1972. Welch ascended the organizational hierarchy, first serving as the vice chairman in 1979 and later became the CEO in 1981.  Jack Welch was born in 1935 and brought up in Peabody, Massachusetts by his two parents who were Roman Catholic. His father worked as a railroad conductor and his mother was a housewife. Jack’s father worked for many hours in order to support his family. Jack and his mother used to go to the train station to wait for his father and as they waited, they had talks with his mother, which served as his early education. He studied at Salem High School, attended Massachusetts University, and attained a degree in Continue reading

Role of Leadership and Culture in Promoting Innovation and Creativity

Organizational culture is a very important factor that affects the innovation and the creativity of an organization. Google for example, wouldn’t be so successful in technological innovation without its excellent organizational culture that gives the opportunity to its employees to work hard and innovate. Leadership has also a strong effect on the organizational culture of a company. A good leader must encourage, motivate and inspire his employees to be more creative and innovative. When Steve Jobs left from Apple, the organizational culture of the company was no longer the same and Apple failed to maintain its great success. Leadership and The Example of Apple Leadership is defined as a persons ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically and work with others to initiate changes that will create a viable future for the organization. The role of an organizational leader is to define the organizational goals, formulate plans and organize Continue reading

Five Sources of Power Used by a Leader

A leader is a person who can influence the behavior of others without using force. Leadership also means that the process of influencing a group to achieve goals. There are three main types of leadership style, they are autocratic, democratic and laissez faire. Besides the three main types of leadership styles, there are also five sources of power that used by a leader, they are coercive, reward, legitimate, expert and referent. First, the autocratic style of leadership, it is also called the leader centered style. This type of style described a leader who tended to centralize authority, make unilateral decisions and limit employee participation. An autocratic leader always tells the people that what should be done, the employees have to perform the work without changing any of the orders. There are three main characteristics of autocratic leadership style, they are formal relations, centralized authorities and single man decision. Formal relations Continue reading

Effective Leadership – Importance and Characteristics

Effective leadership includes achieving the organization’s goal and setting its tone and culture, planning and implementing strategies, acquiring resources, and recognizing and resolving conflicts. Leaders build employees’ strengths, talents and nature dedicated teams for a mutual benefit. Companies and other institutions all around the world have learned that teaching art to others can help to raise living standards. Effective leadership’s benefits to the success of an organization. It is obvious that the company’s leaders are supervisors as well, and they serve an important role in the daily operations and management of a business. To be a good leader, one must develop the leadership skills necessary to successfully deal with opposition as well as adopt the appropriate supervisory style, to understand employees’ abilities and challenges. Importance of Effective Leadership Effective leadership is critical to a company’s success because it offers direction and purpose while also supporting individuals in understanding the company’s Continue reading

Characteristics of an Effective Leader

Every person has the capability to be a leader. Along with coaching and diagnostic tools, it would be easy to identify obstacles that hold individuals back. There are multiple characteristics and skills needed to be an effective leader. Effective leader characteristics include personal authority, personal qualities and practical approach. Firstly, personal authority means that the leader position only affects and extends downward. With the increase of power, responsibilities increase. Thus, the leader will have the ability to reward and discipline according to individuals’ performance. As well, people who use their former power tend to be less effective. Secondly, personal qualities play an important role in influencing peers as will as superiors to create and maintain relationships inside and outside organizations. These personal traits compose of emotional resiliency, extroversion, learning orientation, collegiality and conscientiousness. Leaders with these traits are characterized by having warmth, assertiveness, imagination and creativity, sensitivity and the ability Continue reading