Role of Leadership in Organizations Leadership has been described as the process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. A definition more inclusive of followers comes from Alan Keith of Genentech who said “Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen.” In an organization where there is faith in the abilities of formal leaders, employees will look towards the leaders for a number of things. During drastic change times, employees will expect effective and sensible planning, confident and effective decision-making, and regular, complete communication that is timely. Also during these times of change, employees will perceive leadership as supportive, concerned and committed to their welfare, while at the same time recognizing that tough decisions need to be made. The best way to summarize is that there is Continue reading
Importance of Leadership for Organizational Excellence
A leader is someone who exercise influence over subordinate and other people without using threats or power for the only sake of the benefit or welfare of the community or groups so chosen or elected him/her as their leader. It would not be meaningless to say that a leader is someone who influences others through motivation and people likes to obey him or her willfully not in compulsion. A leader is person who represents the urges and requirements of his community or group and his all actions are only for the welfare and benefits of his groups. Generally leaders are of two kinds’ formal leaders and informal leaders. A leader who is appointed as leader and has been delegated some power under the shelter of a particular rank or position to perform the particular object. A formal leader is not a natural leader because such leaders are selected or elected Continue reading
A Good Leader is a Good Follower
To differentiate leader from follower is difficult; they have several similarities as well as also have some differences. In leadership, one should have to take risk and lead the team; have ability to see opportunity that other cannot see. Both should be able to learn from someone or something. Leaders must be independent and isolated and should not rely on anyone but himself and have to be entrepreneurial and make workplace culture better by working with generous purpose. Good leadership is needed to solve problems and to navigate unexpected circumstances Followers only need to be competent during the battle and must be able to carry out orders by their leader, with their own ability while at other times; they have no need to be that competent. They could ask for help from their friends but in contrast, Leader cannot ask for help from his followers or else his followers would Continue reading
Common Characteristics of Effective Leaders
Actually, “characteristics of a good leader” is a hot and interested topic in management areas. No matter it is global leadership, corporate leadership or even a team leadership, the basic traits of a good leader are necessary and ordinary. Some additional positive characteristics may be required, just depending on their field of work or circumstance. Firstly, the essential characteristic of a good leader is self leadership, it is one of the essential characteristics and also is probably the most important characteristic of an efficient leader. It indicates that when a leader guides himself towards excellence, he will able to lead his followers on the same time as well. Beside that is personal leadership, personal leadership is the desire of one to take charge of his own life. Personal leadership is also about always becoming a good follower of his own principles. It is motivational leadership and all leaders must have. Continue reading
Case Study: A Phenomenon Called Steve Jobs
Ask any Techno-freak his list of dream gadgets and the odds are high that the list would be populated by products from Apple. Apple has reached to such an extent that these new age Geeks would consider it a sin akin to homicide not to know about Apple! No wonder many people may at least find it better to pretend to aspire for Apple products when in reality they may not even know its functionality! So who was (and is) behind this revolution called the “Apple Revolution” which has managed to dominate B-School case study discussions? (Dear Techno freaks this question is not for you!) The person attributed to this revolution was born in February 24, 1955 to an unmarried couple and was later adopted by a lower middle class family and was named Steven Paul (Steve) Jobs. Even before adoption Steve’s adopted parents had to assure his Biological mother Continue reading
Qualities of a Successful Person
Success is the achievement of a desired aim, fame, wealth or social position. So a successful person is somebody who has been able to achieve an aim, fame, wealth or social position. A successful person is somebody who has been able to start a project (no matter how small it is) and see it to the end and should also have guided quiet a number of people to bring their own projects to completion. I believe this is a complete definition of success. A successful individual is the most powerful force for change and happiness on the face of the earth or in all of existence. A successful person achieves their goals no matter what they may be. Sure, success can be anything though, as long as it is a positively achievable ideal. Genuine achievement comes down to a positive ideal in every way that counts. Negative ideals are failure, Continue reading