Difference Between Administration and Management

The use of two terms Management and Administration  has been a controversial issue in the management literature. Some writers do not see any difference between the two terms, while others maintain that administration and management are two different functions. According to  those who held management and administration distinct, management is a lower-level function and is concerned primarily with the execution of policies laid down by administration. Dalton E.  McFarland  states: “in government agencies administration is preferred over management, although in recent years the term management has become widely used in government agencies.”  But some authors are of the opinion that management is a wider term including administration. This controversy of difference between administration and management  is discussed as under in three heads: Administration is concerned with the determination of policies and management with the implementation of policies. Thus, administration is a higher level function. Management is a generic term and Continue reading

The Role and Responsibilities of a Line Manager

Business management and entrepreneurship are improving rapidly nowadays and one of the main roles is improving with it also, which is the line manager. The role of line manager became very important in the structure of the business entity, because it is the shortest way for executive or non-executive directors to communicate with their employees and line manager helps in this situation a lot. Line manager appeared from the business term “Line Management” and its aim was to administrate all activities which are hold in the company and try to maximize level of service providing and output of products. In the real life line manager normally in charge of activities and labor’s output or it is responsible for a specific product line, for example, tea production and he cannot make any alterations in production of coffee, because normally it will have its own line manager who is responsible for this Continue reading

Delegation – The future of People Management

Many managers or team leaders feel quite threatened by the whole concept of delegation — after all they may have taken some time to reach their current position, so why should they start to give their much coveted job away? Benefits of effective Delegation Benefits to the organization: Optimum use of staff resources Tasks performed at the cheapest rate consistent with quality Wider ownership of company mission and objectives Reduce vulnerability to unexpected absences Benefits to the manager: Free time for more vital tasks Develops staff for wider role Increased staff motivation Spreads the ownership of achieving departmental objectives Benefits to the individual: Develops increased skills or knowledge Motivation Shows wider view of the company Builds trust and confidence Trying to decide what to delegate is made easier if we first of all decide which tasks should not be delegated. Things to consider when deciding what to delegate: Ruthlessly analyse Continue reading

The 7 Core Principles of Customer Service

In any field either business, company or an institution they are usually guided by the principles of customer service. These principles help them improve the services and maintain a good relationship with their customers. Here are some of the principles of customer service that are core in any business or company. Through the core services, customer service techniques will govern the organization of the quality of service. The seven principles of customer service include; speed, accuracy, clarity, transparency, accessibility, friendliness and efficiency. Speed: This has been critical to many organizations. Through speed and responsiveness, it will determine the quality of service provided in an institution. As one may know, the ability to respond to the customer need has an impact on both the customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. For companies to improve on their customer service, they ensure they have good responsiveness. There are various types of responsiveness which include first Continue reading

Management Principles: Principle of Bureaucracy

According to the name bureaucracy theory was evolved by the German sociologist Max Weber (1864-1920). The principle of bureaucracy is based upon hierarchy of authority and web of rules and relations. It visualizes a machine model of organisation characterized by impersonal control over human beings. Characteristics of  Principle of Bureaucracy A well-defined hierarchy of authority with clear lines of authority and control and responsibility concentrated at the top of the hierarchy. A high degree of specialization. A division of work based on functional departmentalization. A system of rules covering the rights and duties of employees. A definite system of procedures for dealing with the work situation and “rationally” coordinating activities. A centralized system of written documents (“the files”) for collecting and summarizing the activities of the organisation. Impersonality of relationships between employees. Recruitment of managers on the basis of ability and technical knowledge. The bureaucracy, or “bureaucratic model,” was one Continue reading

Difference Between a Team and a Group

The terms team and group are often used interchangeably in management subjects, but there are some differences between these two concepts.  A group is a collection of individuals who coordinate their individual efforts. On the other hand, at team is a group of people who share a common team purpose and a number of challenging goals. The notable  difference between a team and a group is that: A group may be formal or informal where as a team is necessarily formal. A group may or may not have a common goal to work towards but a team efforts are clustered towards the attainment of organizational objectives. A group can be organizational or social. A team is mostly organizational. A group is an aggregate of persons with close inter relationships. A group is a cluster of two or more individuals who interact with each other on a relatively enduring basis, identify Continue reading