To the behavioral scientists, the word motivation is something stemming from within a person. According to them, motivation refers to a dynamic driving force, which stems from within. It is an “inner striving condition, which activates or moves individual into action and continues him in the course of action enthusiastically”. Thus, motivation is defined as an inner state that activates, energizes or moves behavior towards goals. And, the forces inside the individual that inspire him to continue work are variously called as wishes, drives, needs etc. According to Rensis Likert motivation is the “core of management.” Motivation is an important function performed by manager for actuating the people to work for the accomplishment of organisational objectives. Issuance of well-conceived instructions and orders does not mean that they will be followed. A manager has to make appropriate use of various techniques of motivation to enthuse the employees to follow them. Effective Continue reading
Management Basics
Important Features of Japanese Management
The culture of Japanese management is generally limited to Japan’s large corporations. These flagships of the Japanese economy provide their workers with excellent salaries and working conditions and secure employment. These companies and their employees represent the business elite of Japan: qualification for employment is limited to the men and the few women who graduate from the top thirty colleges and universities in Japan. Placement and advancement of Japanese workers is heavily based on educational background. The students, who are not admitted to the most highly rated colleges, rarely have the chance to work for a large company; instead, they have to seek positions in small and medium-sized firms that cannot offer comparable benefits and prestige. The quality of one’s education and, more important, the college attended, play a decisive roles in a person’s career. The problem is that few Japanese attend graduate school, and graduate training in business per Continue reading
Levels and Types of Organizational Change
Change is not an easy factor to go through. Taking in to account that it does not matter if it is a change of rules, space or simple habits. The concept of change involves many other functions. Where the resistance to it, sometimes is hard to adapt or maybe just simple depending the management and organization between one and more individuals, which makes part of an organization structure and affect a whole organization. Organizational change in inevitable just like anything in life, in addition to this the evolution of the world markets and cultures. Makes the change something that requires constant attention and preparation. In order to be successful in any market, an organization has to be able to transform an evaluate different kind of statements that show the importance of organizational change in the develop of a company. Change is understood as doing things differently in order to cope Continue reading
Types of Information Used in Business
Information used in business can be either systematic or non-systematic. Our discussion is generally limited to information that flows through a formal system, but it is important to keep in mind the fact that a great deal of information reaches the manager from sources outside the formal system. Newspaper and other news media, conversations, and even a manager’s perception of a colleague’s facial expressions are important sources of information. Many managers give more-attention to such sources than to the formal reports. Information can be external or Internal. Much information that is relevant to the manager flows into the organization form the outside environment. This information can be systematic regular reports from trade associations, government agencies, and so for, or it can be unsystematic. Information from and about the environment that s rounds the organization is important, but we do not discuss it extensively in this book because of its wide Continue reading
The Role of Strategist in a Business Organization
Strategists are individuals or groups who are primarily involved in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategy. A strategist is like a root of an organization. In order to overcome the deadly traps in any organization a strategist must first think outside of the “box” and they must focus on both “forest and the trees.” They must need to concentrate on three aspects of human intelligence like Intellectual Intelligence (IQ), Emotional Intelligence (EQ), and Spiritual Intelligence (SQ). The mind of strategist must try to decide when to do strategy and when not to do strategy, clear target markets, competitive advantage, 80/20 focus and alignment. They need to do research, analyse the given situation with the available information’s and comes out with the best solutions. The heart of strategist must have the concepts, rules, power and politics play an important role in the development of any strategy. The end result Continue reading
Functional Organization – Meaning and Features
Functional organization is technically called functional foreman-ship because the function itself becomes a supervisor and the employees automatically perform their respective duties. The emphasis of functional organization structure is on operations rather than on management. Functional organization is commonly used in business organizations. The spirit of organization, which involves grouping tasks together and allocating them to genuine employees is observed in functional organization. Functional sets like marketing, finance, production and personal are grouped systematically. Departments and sub departments are developed according to the requirements of the business. Functional organization is the basic building block or module from which other forms of organization are built. Functional organization is characterized by function, sub-goal emphasis, division of work, functional relationship, centralization and decentralization, span of control, divisionalization of product and regionalization. All employees are not equal; they have distinctive and special interests in different activities, while some of Continue reading