Importance of Management Control in an Organization

Importance of Management Control Control is an indispensable function of management. Without control function, the management process is incomplete. In business organizations, the need for control arises due to several factors; Firstly, it is difficult to establish fully accurate standards of performance in large and complex organizations. An executive needs all kinds of timely information, which are not always available. Control is required to judge the accurate of standards. Secondly, there are several temptations in business. Employees are entrusted with large sums of money and valuable resources. In the absence of control employees may yield, to these temptations. An efficient control system helps to minimize dishonest behavior on the part of employees. Thirdly, in the absence of control employees may become lax in their efforts and their performance may be below normal. The signals at, a busy road crossing very well illustrates the significance of control. Just as road signals Continue reading

Employee Empowerment – Meaning and Its Effectiveness

In such a competitive environment, the organizations have to continuously provide quality products, better services and need to bring innovation to stay in the business and generate profits. To conduct such activities, efficient and empowered employees are essential. In the past, the authority was not delegated to the employees and it centered on the managers who were responsible for making all the decisions in the interest of the organizations. This had limited the creativity to show up since the employees were not able to express or share their ideas. Empowerment in the recent years has been considered as the most important factor that contributes to the success of the organization. The creative energy and potentials of employees benefits the shareholders, suppliers and customers as well. Empowerment means delegation of decision making authority when there is a need to take action which is important for both the managers and employees. Following Continue reading

The Impact of Demographic Characteristics and Cultural Diversity on Behaviour within a Group

Groups can become a high performance team by following organizational goals and strategic planning, while demographic characteristics and cultural diversity can influence a team in many ways. Cultural diversity and demographic characteristics can help achieve goals and people should be aware how they can contribute to reaching goals in an organization. This article will discuss the impact of demographic characteristics and cultural diversity on behavior within a group, and how individuality will sometimes contribute to detract from high-performance in teams. Numerous attempts have been made by several organizations in order to gain competitive edge over their competitors through management concepts and practices. In order to respond to globalization, majority of organizations are turning to modern, more productive ways of conducting business, such as effective organizational structures, greater support from technology, and more team orientated environments. Indeed, a team is where combined employees apply their skills and abilities together in order Continue reading

Characteristics of Effective Teams

Many authors have written various features that they believe are essential for team effectiveness. Having read them it can be suggested that the following are the features of an effective team: Clear Understanding of the Goals/Objectives:  Perfect understanding of what the goals of the team are, is very important. Every member of the team should be able to talk for the team on the progress of their project when called upon. However, this happens when every member of the team understands the team’s goal and can tell if they are making progress or not. Shared Values:  Effective teams share desires to succeed at whatever they do. They have a common sense of purpose. The team must agree that the work they are doing is worthwhile and that their goals are worth making the effort to achieve. Members interact and work independently to achieve team objectives. They take collective responsibility for Continue reading

Levels and Stages of Planning

Levels of Planning In management theory, it is usual to consider that there are three basic levels of planning, though in practice there may be more than three levels of management and to an extent, there will be some overlapping of planning operations. The three levels of planning are discussed below: Top level planning: also known as overall or strategic planning, top level planning is done by the top management, i.e., board of directors or governing body. It encompasses the long-range objectives and policies or organisation and is concerned with corporate results rather than sectional objectives. Top level planning is entirely long-range and inextricably linked with long-term objectives. It might be called the ‘what’ of planning. Second level planning: also known as tactical planning, it is done by middle level managers or departmental heads. It is concerned with ‘how’ of planning. It deals with development of resources to the best Continue reading

Control in Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)

There are various methods of classification of management control in Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). By levels of control here it is meant whether the parent / corporate level managers or subsidiary/country-level managers are involved. The former might be called higher level and the later lower level control. Depending on the sphere of focus we have two types of control called Strategic control and Operational control. In the MNE’s context, strategic control is the responsibility of parent and operational control is the preserve of the subsidiary. Another way puts ‘management control, tactical control and transactional control’ as the 3 levels of control respectively carried out by the corporate top management, collectively by corporate & subsidiary management and subsidiary management in the case of MNEs. Of course, whether an MNE’s structure is ethno-centric, geo-centric, multi-domestic/poly-centric or region-centric is another factor that influences the exact distribution of responsibility. The forward looking information is provided Continue reading