The case can be analysed from different points of view. Usually there are four parties involved in the case, viz., the proprietor or top management, the middle management departmental heads, the employees or workers and finally the society in general (it includes consumers, distributors, investors, potential employees and those who are directly or indirectly affected by the organization), which is mostly disguised. While analysing and suggesting solutions, the student should try to look at the case from these different points of view and try to pin point violation of rules, regulations, code of conduct or precedents in vogue. The solution to be suggested must be in the larger interests of safeguarding the provisions of laws, code of conduct, rules and regulations to restore the normal positron. The solution should be in the interests of the organization, the weaker sections of the organization and society in general. While analyzing the case, Continue reading
Management Basics
Leadership vs. Management: Understanding the Differences
The difference between leader and manager can be summarized this way: “When you are a leader, you work from the heart. As a manager, you work from the head.” Although it is probably more complex than that, the point to remember is the difference between what you do as a leader and what you do as a manager-and the constant need to be able to do both. Furthermore, the head and heart need to be partners, not independent operators. A manager focuses attention on efficiency, effectiveness, and making sure the right things happen at the right time. For instance: You are in a manager role when you set performance objectives with staff, prepare budgets, review cash flow projections, develop action plans, and evaluate programs or fund raising strategies or any other aspect of the company. Managing may also include doing hundreds of other tasks that require focused and logical attention Continue reading
Absence of Organizational Structure and Its Impacts
Organizational structure, a popular phenomenon in the dynamic business world, can be defined as the manner in which a company allocates its management responsibilities and how different activities are coordinated within the firm. The structure of an organization will always influence its success. A well-devised strategic and operational framework is more likely to enable the company to attain its objectives easily than a roughly sketched one. Small enterprises generally start without a formal organogram but gradually add hierarchical corporate entries with departments, executives, and other subordinate minions as the business expands, thus realizing improved performance. On the contrary, the absence of such a setting in a business implicates operational inefficiencies that may eventually push it out of the market as a result of competition. High Rate of Turnover – Employee turnover, often known as staff renewal rate, is a problem in which employees quit their jobs frequently and in large Continue reading
Five Sources of Power Used by a Leader
A leader is a person who can influence the behavior of others without using force. Leadership also means that the process of influencing a group to achieve goals. There are three main types of leadership style, they are autocratic, democratic and laissez faire. Besides the three main types of leadership styles, there are also five sources of power that used by a leader, they are coercive, reward, legitimate, expert and referent. First, the autocratic style of leadership, it is also called the leader centered style. This type of style described a leader who tended to centralize authority, make unilateral decisions and limit employee participation. An autocratic leader always tells the people that what should be done, the employees have to perform the work without changing any of the orders. There are three main characteristics of autocratic leadership style, they are formal relations, centralized authorities and single man decision. Formal relations Continue reading
Leading Versus Managing – A Comparison
In this era of globalization for today’s workplace, people always like to say that “A manager may be a leader; a manager may not be a leader, but a leader may emerge who is not a manager.” So what its means of this phrase? It means that a leader and a manager could be different. For example, an outstanding leader may have superior management skills, but not all managers could possess true leadership skills. In short, it is possible for the role of manager and leader not to be connected at all. This phrase is important to prove that having both talented managers and dedicated leaders make the business success. Why? Let’s see the difference between managers and leaders as following. Manager and Leader – Definitions By definition, a manager is an individual who is given a position and the power within an organization. In normal circumstance, he is normally Continue reading
Participative Management – Concept, Principles, Implementation, Benefits, and Challenges
Participative management is a management approach that involves employees in decision-making processes and encourages them to take an active role in the organization. It is also known as employee involvement, employee participation, or democratic management. Participative management is a form of empowerment that enables employees to contribute their ideas, knowledge, and skills to improve the organization’s performance. This article will discuss the concept of participative management, its benefits, challenges, and implementation strategies. Concept of Participative Management Participative management is a management style that aims to involve employees in the decision-making process. It is based on the principle that employees who are directly involved in the work processes are best suited to make decisions that affect their work. Participative management recognizes that employees have a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be tapped to improve organizational performance. By involving employees in decision-making, organizations can harness the creativity and innovative potential Continue reading