Outsourcing constitutes one of the fundamental sourcing strategies that organizations can adopt. Outsourcing entails an approach whereby certain business processes are undertaken by an external entity. Thus, outsourcing is based on a contractual relationship. The concept of outsourcing has gained remarkable significance over the past few decades. Traditionally, outsourcing was limited to peripheral organizational tasks. This trend is changing as evidenced by the high rate at which outsourcing is being integrated into diverse organizational activities. Organizations perceive outsourcing as an essential strategy in their commitment to value addition. Some of the industries that have adopted the concept of outsourcing include aviation, manufacturing, and medical services. Firms in the oil and gas industry are also adopting the concept of outsourcing. Organizations’ motivation towards this strategy has been spurred by the need to attain competitiveness concerning high return on assets and better and quality service delivery. Secondly, the pressure to outsource has Continue reading
Management Concepts
7 Key Elements of a Business Plan
The aim of venturing into a business is to make profits. In this case, all elements of a business plan should be aimed at creating a successful entrepreneurial venture. A business plan is a document that indicates a plan on how an investment is to be conducted. It includes among other elements; generation of ideas, financial and market analysis, strategic objectives, cash flows and profits and loss forecasts. Other elements that may be included in the business plan are a balance sheet projections, competitive strategies and scenario analysis. All these elements contained in a business plan give an understanding of the current and future expectations of the business. They identify the business and give a rationale of investing in the said business. In this case, these elements should be comprehensive and a faithful representative of the actual situation of the business venture. If well drawn, the elements of a business Continue reading
Case Study of General Electric: From Jack Welch to Jeffrey Immelt
General Electric is one of the oldest conglomerates that are still actively present on the market. It consists of a wide variety of businesses and is involved in the production of a great multitude of items, resources, and services. The main segments of the company are focused on oil and gas production, renewable energy, aviation, additive manufacturing, lighting, healthcare, power generation, venture capital and finance, transportation, digital technologies, and lighting. General Electric is also involved in a variety of smaller enterprises which diversify its product line even further. The company was originally established in 1892 after Tomas Edison’s Electric Light Company and Thomas Houston Company were merged to create General Electric. The management of the company was focused on utilizing the numerous patents that Edison’s company held, especially those that were related to electricity generation and distribution. The company grew quickly by focusing on the adaptation of its technologies, a Continue reading
Post-Fordism – A Critical Evaluation
It is widely argued that the era of Fordism began with the development of the model T motor car, the world’s first successfully mass-produced car, at Henry Ford’s Piquette Avenue manufacturing plant in Detroit, Michigan. From this, a new age of production developed, changing both the economic and the political landscape of manufacturing globally, and establishing the progression to a new form of capitalism. The key characteristics of Fordism center around the major industrial paradigm of mass production that involves production of standardized goods by unskilled labor through the use of assembly-line techniques. This principle of ‘continuous-flow production’ as a new regime of accumulation inherently involved a rise in mass consumerism, that was encouraged by the supply of relatively cheap products, intelligent advertising and, arguably most importantly, through changes to social conditions of low-skilled employees. This originated from Henry Ford himself, who notoriously raised minimum pay to $5 a day Continue reading
Tips for Effective Management in a Global Enterprise
The most critical issue in the contemporary world is how to manage organizations effectively in the wake of the rapid global changes. In global enterprises, technology is changing at a remarkably fast rate and this trend calls for the management to redesign its organization to remain relevant. Competition is increasing in global enterprises as organizations aim at gaining competitive advantage over others. Different enterprises should change their manner of management in order to respond quickly to global changes. The organization needs to change its processes, structures, systems, and personnel from the inflexible modes to ones that can adapt quickly to global changes. The transformation of the organization is a crucial step to effective management and remaining on the lead in the global world. Effective management in a global enterprise involves the use of new management philosophies. The management philosophies start with the top management in the organization. The managers should apply Continue reading
Art of Prioritization – A Must Tool for Effective Business Management
Setting an agenda, reviewing activities, and allocating time and effort in such a manner as to provide maximum value in a short amount of time is essential in thoughtful prioritizing. Addressing the emails with the various situation also requires certain prioritization and strategic approaches. Because low-priority work may need to be stopped to accomplish urgent tasks, prioritization should also be flexible. We should keep in mind that no matter how carefully focused, there is only so much that can be accomplished in a single day, and certain unpredictable variables are unavoidable. Setting objectives and prioritizing work should both be practical, and the emails have to be addressed in a similar fashion – first, the most urgent and the most potentially valuable case. It is vital to remember that the goal of prioritizing is to spend time on the most important activities, the ones that will matter in the long term, Continue reading