Use of Reinforcement Theory to Overcome the Restraining Forces of Change

People refuse to new changes brought in the work environment due to many reasons of insecurity, uncertainty, etc. thus they do not accept the change and stand against it. Here we are trying to use reinforcement theory to achieve our objective. Restraining forces as the forces that make change more difficult. Restraining forces are those factors that resist change to occur; few examples are lack of skill and knowledge, antagonism between the employees and the manager, poor job description. There are many forces that restrain to a change in the work environment such as: Uncertainty regarding change. Fear of the unknown. Disturbances in the routine. Loss of existing benefits. Threat to the current position. Redistribution of power. Disturb in the existing social networks. Conformity to norms and culture. The general principle here is that whenever a change is perceived as creating some threat to the employee having his/her needs met Continue reading

Organizing Function of Management

According to Haimann, “Organization is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise and establishing the authority relationship among them.” The mentioned definition makes it clear that on the one hand organization is a process to define and classify the functions to be performed for the attainment of the objectives of the organization, and on the other hand, it is an art to establish sweet relationship among different persons. There are two concept are prevalent about organisation. In the other word, there are two meaning of organization: Organizing  as process: According to the first concept of organizing, it has been considered as a process. In the other word, organizing is not function that can be performed at a single stroke, but it is a chain of various functions. It includes getting information about objectives, deciding various activities and grouping them, determining important activities, allowing authority and responsibility, Continue reading

Evaluation Concept in Management

Definitions of Evaluation in Management Evaluation is the analysis and comparison of actual progress vis-à-vis prior plans. Evaluation is oriented toward improving plans for future implementation to ensure improved performance. Evaluation is part of a continuing management process consisting of planning, implementation, and evaluation. Ideally each of these steps follows the other in a continuous cycle until successful completion of the activity. Evaluation involves comparison of actual performance against benchmarks or standards of performance to establish the extent of fulfillment of goals and identify gaps in performance to suggest remedial courses for ensuring that in the end all ends well, that is fulfillment level is 100%. The goals vary depending on the situation, participants and issues. Evaluation is the systematic and objective assessment of the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, and impact of development interventions or programs. Evaluation is the assessment of how well a project/activity achieved its objectives. Evaluation may Continue reading

Concepts of Windows and Corridors for New Ventures

A window is time horizon during which opportunities exist before something else happens to eliminate them. A unique opportunity, once shown to produce wealth, will attract competitors, and if the business is easy to enter, the industry will become rapidly saturated. Bicycles did not become viable commercial products until people needed them as transportation. When that need occurred, hundreds of bicycle manufactures rushed to take advantage of the “window of opportunity.” Literally every successful product and service has had an optimal period of time for commercialization. Those introduced too early have usually failed, and those introduced too suffered from crowded markets. A brief period of opportunity opened for electronic spreadsheets when micro-computer hit the fast growth curve. Several entrepreneurs entered the market with good spreadsheet products. The first, VisiCalc was designed for the Apple PC. VisiCalc was quite successful, and later versions for Ms-Dos systems were even more successful. But Continue reading

Conceptual Perspectives on Management

Management has become a part and parcel of everyday life, be it at home, in the office or factory and in government. In all organizations, where group of human beings assemble for a common purpose, management principles come into play through the management of resources, finance and planning, priorities, policies and practice. Management is a systematic way of carrying out activities in any field of human effort. Efficacious and effective management is not possible without in-depth knowledge of the organisation which is being managed. Organisational knowledge is absolutely critical to building, preserving and leveraging institutional excellence. It is like the air you breathe-you cannot measure it, touch it, or see it but you cannot survive without it. The basic elements of management are always there whether we manage our lives or our business. In fact, management is used knowingly or unknowingly by everybody born as human being on this earth. Continue reading

Kotter’s Eight Step Change Model – Explained

Organizational change is described as the shift of the behavior of the whole organization, to one degree or another. One should understand that change is not that can immediately occurs, ought to be intended and planned process to maintain an organization practical and existing. Three categories of organizational change are; Development change is that change where organization try perform better what they all ready performing. Transitional change is that change in which organization implement totally new methods replacing old ones. Transformational change is that change where organization do major overhauling of its structure, vision and strategy and change bring evolution in the organization. Managing culture in the organization is very important these days when every day new technology is coming and there is so much competition in the market to stay on the top. Organizations are going through a big cycle of cultural change these days from daily tasks to Continue reading