Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a marketing concept of the 1990’s. It will be necessary for survival in the 21st century. The advent of integration is causing marketers to take a fresh look at all the components of marketing, specifically the unique dimension that public relations bring to the marketing mix. Public relations people in turn are seizing the opportunity that integration offers them to make a difference where it counts most to their companies and clients — on the bottom line. IMC is the culmination of the shift that began in the post — World War II period, from selling what the companies make to making what the consumers want. IMC is focused on what to know about product and services, not what the marketers want to tell them in order to sell them. Integrated Marketing Communication is defined as the coordination and integration of all marketing communication tool, Continue reading
Marketing Concepts
Nicosia Model of Consumer Behavior
Nicosia Model of Consumer Behavior was developed in 1966, by Professor Francesco M. Nicosia, an expert in consumer motivation and behavior. This model focuses on the relationship between the firm and its potential consumers. The model suggests that messages from the firm (advertisements) first influences the predisposition of the consumer towards the product or service. Based on the situation, the consumer will have a certain attitude towards the product. This may result in a search for the product or an evaluation of the product attributes by the consumer. If the above step satisfies the consumer, it may result in a positive response, with a decision to buy the product otherwise the reverse may occur. Looking to the model we will find that the firm and the consumer are connected with each other, the firm tries to influence the consumer and the consumer is influencing the firm Continue reading
Approaches to Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
There are two approaches to measuring advertising effectiveness, viz,, experimental method and survey method. Under experimental method, consumers are given a controlled exposure to the message and the effects are measured on the basis of the change in opinion or attitude. A base line is observed with the use of a control group not exposed to the advertising campaign. The results of the exposure in almost all the situations are recorded. The alternative effects of each exposure are considered for comparison and with a view to establishing a relationship between the exposure and the effects. Field experiments are conducted to measure the effects of mass communication. Sample surveys or interviews or questionnaires are used to obtain information about people’s exposure to the advertising campaign. The advertising effectiveness is evaluated on the basis of the correlations between the exposure and the attitude or action. Pre Testing Methods Pre-testing is preferred because Continue reading
Gartner Competency Model – Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Model
Customer relationship management is a strategy of every organization which is made by the companies and the business to maintain the performance and the position of a company. Customer relationship management is a model which could be defined as technology, strategy and practice that is used by various organizations to develop and manage the customer data and customer interactions so that a good relationship could be managed. These strategies helps the company to maintain the relationship with the customers and also help the company to make loyal customers, indirectly these strategies help the company to enhance the turnover and grab more market share. It also helps a company to retain the customers. Customer relationship model is an approach that assists the company to manage the customers. CRM model helps a company to build and develop a good relationship with the customers. Basically, a CRM model is known as an “opportunity for business” Continue reading
Brand Tribalism – Consumer Tribal Behavior on Brand Loyalty
Concept of Brand Tribalism A brand tribe can be defined as a social network of varied persons – who are linked by a shared belief around a brand; its members are not simple consumers, they are also believers and promoters. A brand tribe does collective action and therefore it is implicated as post-modern business. The emergence of brand tribalism represents tribal consumption’s. Brand tribalism emerges because there is a group of consumers who adore this brand emotionally connected by some values and usage of consumption, using the social “linking value” of products and services to create a community and express identity. The phenomena of tribes can be presented as an expression of both self and social identity. Consumer social identities and consumption choices shift depending on situational and lifestyle factors. So, the phenomena of Brand tribalism can also be understood and accessed through their shared beliefs, ideas and consumption. Due Continue reading
What is Marketing Ethics?
One of the most known definitions of ethics is the one from Aristotle: Human actions from the point of view in their rightness or wrongness. Ethics should concern “personal virtue” and with every decision, one should be honest, good and caring. A definition that is so idealistic and simplistic is not helpful in finding a solid definition: right and wrong are probably just as normative as the term ethics. When we try to give a definition of the term ethics it appears from the literature that you can look at it from two different philosophical views, also know as “ethical dualism”. The first view is the teleological view, also known as the consequentialist view or utilarism, which is based on the results of certain actions taken. Whereas the other view, deontology, is more based on average behavior and obligations to other people. Teleology is based on the ethical valuation of Continue reading