Advantages and Disadvantages of Sales Force Automation (SFA)

Sales person use sale forces as a step to enhance their marketing strategy. The improvements of technology helped sales person able to structure their customers’ data managements well. Sales force automation is a system that being develop to helps companies to organize their customer relationship management with confidentiality. Besides automatically computerized customers data into computer, it helps enable sales person to plan and structures their selling in the most effective way as well. It makes work easier and organized as well as more reliable for sales person. In short, sales force automation system is a good “assistant” for sales person. However, sales force automation system also brings some disadvantages where sales force automation system is complicated system involving digitalized figure yet new for older sales people. Anyhow, it is still easier for younger sales people to learn and function with it. In order to manage relationship between customers professionally, sales Continue reading

Pricing Concept in Marketing Management

Price is one of the important variables in the marketing mix. Its importance has increased substantially over the years because of the environmental factors like recession, intensity in inter- firm rivalry and the customer becoming more aware of alternatives. Firms also have to educate customers on what to look for in the product & many of the buyers today use sophisticated methods in collecting information on suppliers just as the latter do. In order to arrive at the most acceptable price level, the marketer needs to have information on the three C’s– customers, competition & firm’s cost structure. It should be able to use this information to achieve its goals. In the contemporary market environment characterized by increasing inter—firm rivalry, low or no government intervention in corporate decisions, improvements in communications & media and a growing concern to retain wholesalers & retailers to market the firm’s products, pricing decisions appear Continue reading

Advertising Budget

The size of the advertising budget can have an impact upon the composition of the advertising mix. In general, a limited promotion budget may impel the management to use types of promotion that would not be employed otherwise, even though they are less effective than the others. Industrial firms generally invest a larger proportion of their budgets in personal selling than in advertising, while the reverse is true of most producers of consumer goods. Organizations with small budgets may be forced to use types of advertising that are less effective than others. Some marketers find it necessary to restrict their efforts primarily to personal selling and publicity. There are organizations with small promotion budget which take the opposite course of action. They concentrate on advertising and sales promotion, and neglect other methods. Some marketers advertise in expensive ways (through classified advertisement in newspapers and magazines) and spend virtually nothing on Continue reading

Concept of Attitude in Consumer Behavior

An attitude describes a person’s relatively consistent evaluations,  feelings, and tendencies toward an object or an idea.  Attitudes put people into a frame of mind for liking or  disliking things and moving toward or away from them.  For example, many people who have developed the attitude  that eating healthy food is important perceive vegetables as a  healthy alternative to meat and chicken. As a result, the per  capita consumption of vegetables has increased during recent  years, leading the meat and chicken producers to try to  change consumer attitudes that chicken and meat are unhealthy.  Companies can benefit by researching attitudes toward their  products. Understanding attitudes and beliefs is the first step  toward changing or reinforcing them.  Attitudes are very difficult to change. A person’s attitudes fit  into a pattern, and changing one attitude may require making  many difficult adjustments. It is easier for a company to create  products that are Continue reading

Howard Sheth Model of Consumer Behavior

John Howard and Jagadish Sheth put forward the Howard Sheth model of consumer behavior in 1969, in their publication entitled, ‘The Theory of buyer Behaviour’. The Howard Sheth Model is a sophisticated integration of the various social, psychological, and marketing influences on consumer choice into a coherent sequence of information processing. It aims not only to explain consumer behavior in terms of cognitive functioning but to provide an empirically testable depiction of such behavior and its outcomes (Howard 1977). The Howard Sheth Model proposes that a consumer’s purchase decision is influenced by multiple individuals, such as family members. It recognizes that family members take on different roles in the purchasing process, such as gathering information or deciding budgets. The model also acknowledges that retailers deal with a collection of individuals rather than a homogeneous unit. It identifies three levels of decision making – extensive problem solving, limited problem solving, and Continue reading

Brand Activation – Why Do Brands Need It?

Brand activation is a new word in business. The brand activation is the process of attract the consumer to your brand through campaign, events, promotion, digital campaigns. Brand activation permits to consumers/customers to find your new products and re-launched products. The brand activation is a strong connection built between the brand and the customers which permit to him to proceed to the purchase action. In certain words, this is a way to educate your clients. The goal of a brand activation strategy is not necessarily an increase of purchase but more about the human dimension, the goal is to increase the brand image, the brand loyalty. We can split the process of brand activation in five steps: start with what do you want from your customer, what is your audience and what they currently think about you, plan your objectives, what is your power in the brand activation, think about Continue reading