The Company’s Macro Environment The company and all of the other actors operate in a larger macro environment of forces that shape opportunities and pose threats to the company. There are six major forces (outlined below) in the company’s macro environment. There are six major forces (outlined below) in the company’s macro environment. Demographic. Economic. Natural. Technological. Political. Cultural. a. Demographic Environment Demography is the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, sex, race, occupation, and other statistics. It is of major interest to marketers because it involves people and people make up markets. Demographic trends are constantly changing. Some more interesting ones are. 1). The world’s population (though not all countries) rate is growing at an explosive rate that will soon exceed food supply and ability to adequately service the population. The greatest danger is in the poorest countries where poverty contributes to the difficulties. Continue reading
Marketing Concepts
What Is Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)?
While some companies aim to grow their customer base, the successful ones recognize the importance of increasing customer lifetime value. Loyal customers offer more value to your business‐generating over 10x more revenue. Customer lifetime value is an important concept to understand from a marketing standpoint. The cost of obtaining a customer and gaining that first sale is often much higher than the costs of maintaining the relationship with the customer. Customer lifetime value (CLV) is a critical metric used to estimate the value of each customer you acquire. It validates whether you’re actually producing a profit. Several companies strive to increase customer lifetime value because they believe it’s a good indicator of business performance. Companies use the metrics such as customer life time value (CLV) to understand the importance of a certain type of customer towards the business and give a greater insight of the expected future revenue as well Continue reading
Case Study of Fedex: Using Marketing Channels to Create Value for Customers
FedEx as a service company that mainly focuses on transportation or shipment services, channel played an important role leading to success. FedEx need a good channel to get and reach more customers. FedEx has a strong network structure linking all the market together. FedEx serves more than 220 countries and territories currently. Further, these networks are linked up by land, air and ocean transportation. FedEx’s service covered all around the globe, making services available for customers from many countries and almost every place. FedEx has many drops off location around the globe. Customer can choose either one drop- off location that is nearest to them. FedEx has great air network, having more than 320 daily international flight and 654 aircraft ready to ship the packages. FedEx has many hubs around the world working as a midpoint of delivering the packages. There are four hubs in Asia pacific. That is Shanghai, Continue reading
Consumer Behaviour and Factors Influencing Buyer Behavior
Consumer behavior is an attempt to understand & predict human actions in the buying role. It has assumed growing importance under market-oriented or customer oriented marketing planning & management. Consumer behavior is defined as “all psychological, social & physical behavior of potential customers as they become aware of, evaluate, purchase, consume, & tell others about product & services”. Each element in this definition is important. Consumer behavior involves both individual (psychological) processes & group (social processes). Consumer behavior is reflected from awareness right through post-purchase evaluation indicating satisfaction or non-satisfaction, from purchases Consumer behavior includes communication, purchasing & consumption behavior Consumer behavior is basically social in nature. Hence social environment plays an important role in shaping buyer behavior. Consumer behavior includes both consumer & business buyer behavior In consumer behavior we consider not only why, how, & what people buy but other factors such as where , how often, and Continue reading
Role of Leadership and Culture in Promoting Innovation and Creativity
Organizational culture is a very important factor that affects the innovation and the creativity of an organization. Google for example, wouldn’t be so successful in technological innovation without its excellent organizational culture that gives the opportunity to its employees to work hard and innovate. Leadership has also a strong effect on the organizational culture of a company. A good leader must encourage, motivate and inspire his employees to be more creative and innovative. When Steve Jobs left from Apple, the organizational culture of the company was no longer the same and Apple failed to maintain its great success. Leadership and The Example of Apple Leadership is defined as a persons ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically and work with others to initiate changes that will create a viable future for the organization. The role of an organizational leader is to define the organizational goals, formulate plans and organize Continue reading
Customer Confidence Winning Strategies Adopted by Organizations
The concept of winning customer confidence has received much attention among various stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, investors, and the government as they strive to establish whether their interest is being taken into account. Companies use multiple tactics to convince potential and existing consumers concerning why their products stand out from that of other competitors. Various customer confidence winning strategies such as celebrity and expert endorsement, attitude changing, low involvement, and high involvement approaches to make the advert more appealing, hence, this helps in boosting sales. Companies invest a substantial amount of resources in employing these criteria to keep the targeted audience hooked, in turn, this aids in increasing sales as well as the market share. Despite being costly, advertisers find it worthwhile to apply these techniques, i.e., celebrity endorsement since it helps to boost sales and it allows customers to make it a point of reference. Many of the Continue reading