Social Criticism of Advertising

Advertising is often criticized as a wasteful activity and an unnecessary evil. Its critics offer the following arguments to prove their contention. Multiplies the needs. Advertising multiplies the needs of the people by inducing them to buy even those things which are not required by them. Since an advertisement is continuously repeated, it creates a desire in the mind of the public to buy the advertised product. Makes the product more costly. The amount of money spent by an advertiser on his product’s advertisement is added to the distribution cost of the product. Thus, the customers have to pay more for the product advertised. Increase in demand at the cost of another manufacturer. Advertising does not always increase the demand of the product. When the demand is inelastic, advertising shifts demand from one producer to another. That means a large amount of money spent on advertising by the manufacturers goes Continue reading

Definitions of Key Terms in Integrated Marketing Communications

Integrated means that combine or coordinate separate elements so as to provide a harmonious, interrelated whole. In other word, when all marketing communication tool work together, it will be more effective than work as a single component. It will create more competitive advantages, boost sales and profit, while saving cost, time and stress if this concept is incorporated in marketing strategy. So, if the marketing communication tools are combined as a group it will produce more powerful outcome in the process of delivering customer superior value. Marketing The root word for marketing is market. Market is defined as a place for consumer and sellers to carry out transaction that required cash as an exchange medium for obtaining a product or service. Marketing can be defined in two perspectives which include old view or new view of marketing. From the new view of marketing, it is all about the creation of Continue reading

Advertising – Definition, Features, Objectives and Functions

Advertising is an important tool of promotion. Advertisement is a non-personal presentation of an idea or a product (where as personal selling or salesmanship help in personal promotional.) Advertisement supplements personal selling to a great extent. Advertising has, acquired great importance in the modern era characterized by tough competition in the market and fast changes in technology, and fashion and taste customers. Advertising is used for communicating business information to the present and prospective customers, often utilizing various mediums such as print, digital platforms, and advertising display screens. It usually provides information about the advertising firm, its product qualities, place of availability of its products, etc. Advertisement is indispensable for both the sellers and the buyers. However, it is more important for the sellers. In the modern age of large scale production, producers cannot think of pushing sale of their products without advertising them. What is Advertising? Advertising is the dissemination Continue reading

Major Classifications of Advertising

First of all it is quite necessary to understand the true meaning of advertising in the business terminology. Advertising is a tool of marketing for sales promotion and product awareness to customers. It is a one type of message by such mediator, presentation as well as promotional offer by a firm which can be paid and public announcement. Advertising is a component of marketing system. It deals with the awareness of customers regarding new product or some features about the existence product. It is quite important step for marketing leaders because it involves strategy selection, expenditure analysis and advertising media selection. It is the most expensive strategy among all marketing systems. Advertising is the tool of spreading information widely by some non-personal means by the paid media where the information is transferred about the organisation that pays the money for media. The message is carried out by different Medias. Adverting Continue reading

Barriers to integrated Marketing Communications

1. Functional Silos Resources, support and guidance of upper management are needed to build a successful integrated marketing communications campaign. The job of upper management is to make sure that all the resources are thoroughly no matter is for budgets, sharing data or people across teams. However, the problem now is integrated marketing communication don’t control by one manager only. All the managers involve in the information transmitting process have to work together in controlling the process. It mean that all the manager of advertising team, public relation team and also the marketing team have to coordinate in the process of delivering information about the product and service of the company to the target customer. When the control is shared among all the team manager, which can prove to be a difficult concept for some member of upper management, creating a barrier to integrated marketing communication. 2. Restricts Creativity Integrated Continue reading

Brand Activation – Why Do Brands Need It?

Brand activation is a new word in business. The brand activation is the process of attract the consumer to your brand through campaign, events, promotion, digital campaigns. Brand activation permits to consumers/customers to find your new products and re-launched products. The brand activation is a strong connection built between the brand and the customers which permit to him to proceed to the purchase action. In certain words, this is a way to educate your clients. The goal of a brand activation strategy is not necessarily an increase of purchase but more about the human dimension, the goal is to increase the brand image, the brand loyalty. We can split the process of brand activation in five steps: start with what do you want from your customer, what is your audience and what they currently think about you, plan your objectives, what is your power in the brand activation, think about Continue reading