Green Marketing – History, Importance, Benefits and Problems

Customers often link green marketing with terms such as recyclable, refillable, ozone friendly, and environmentally friendly. Whilst these terms are green marketing claims, in general, green marketing is a much broader concept. Green marketing is applicable to consumer goods, industrial goods, and as well as services. Theoretically speaking, green marketing is about designing, developing, and delivering products that are eco-friendly which cause less possible harm to the environment and its stakeholders. The American Marketing Association (AMA) has defined green marketing as the marketing of products that are not harmful to the natural environment.  History of Green Marketing Although some considerations were given to green marketing in the 1970s, it was actually in the late 1980s that the idea of green marketing came out. All began in Europe in the early 1980s when some manufactured goods were discovered to be harmful to the natural environment. Since that, green marketing has gone Continue reading

Underdog Strategy in Business

An underdog strategy involves a small and, usually, young firm taking on a much larger competitor. It is often employed by an upstart company that doesn’t hesitate to get into a fight with much bigger opponents in order to break their monopoly and offer the market better products, lower prices, or both. The underdog enters a market dominated by established players that are portrayed as being somewhat bureaucratic, complacent, and unresponsive to customer needs. Firms following underdog strategy promise to offer an attractive alternative to what customers have been buying. Southwest Airlines, in its early years, is an example of a company that became an underdog in its fight against established competitors, as it offered the traveling public highly attractive prices and superior value. Southwest was ready to begin operations in 1967 but could not do so until 1971 due to time-consuming court battles initiated by Braniff and Texas International Continue reading

Promotion Component of the Global Marketing Mix and Global Promotion Strategies

Marketing communications–the promotion “P” of the marketing mix–refers to all forms of communications that organizations use to establish meaning and influence buying behavior among existing and potential customers. Marketing communications should be designed to tell customers about the benefits and values that a product or service offers. The principal forms of marketing communications that is/ the elements of the promotion mix are Advertising, Personal selling, Publicity and Sales Promotion. All of these elements can be utilized in global marketing; however, the environment in which marketing communications programs are implemented can vary from country to country. Advertising may be defined as any sponsored, paid communication placed in a mass-medium vehicle. Advertising plays a more important communication role in the marketing of consumer products than industrial products. Frequently purchased, low-cost products generally require heavy advertising support. Not surprisingly, consumer products companies top the list of big advertising spenders. Global Promotion Strategies Companies Continue reading

Internet Advertising – Definition, Advantages and Disadvantages

The key of successful business is the business how to promote the product and services to all readers by using the online. According to the statistical data, more of the 80% people will everyday surf through the technologically such as internet. So, the internet has becomes an indispensable part of people’s lives. Thus, it can be considered a wide channel for the business which wants to promote their products and services to all the people. The internet advertising method has becomes the most popular method for the business. It is because internet advertising is easy and low advertising cost. Besides that, the internet advertising also have a lot of the readers or viewers. Internet advertising followed the commencement of the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web was introduced in 1991 by CERN located in Switzerland. It acted as an easily accessible medium for various companies to market their products. Continue reading

Ambush Marketing Strategies

What is Ambush Marketing? Ambush marketing occurred when a non-sponsor of an event attempted to pass itself off as an official sponsor. Ambush marketing is defined as the practice whereby another company, often a competitor, intrudes upon public attention surrounding the event, thereby deflecting attention toward themselves and away from the sponsors. In simple words, non-sponsors to gain benefits available only to official sponsors exploit ambush marketing. When a sponsor purchases a sponsorship program, he aims towards orchestrating public attention onto its company or brand. In a typical sponsorship arrangement the sponsor purchases the sponsorship property rights and uses support promotion to further draw public attention to its involvement. The practice whereby another company, often a competitor, intrudes upon public attention surrounding the event, thereby deflecting attention toward themselves and away from the sponsor, is now known as “ambush marketing.” The term ambush marketing was initially coined to describe the Continue reading

Sales Force Management

Sales Management is an integral sub-system of Marketing Management. It translates the Marketing Plan into Marketing Performance. Sales Management is hence described as the muscle behind Marketing Management. Every organization has people who are entrusted with the responsibility of dealing with prospects and customers to sell their products or services — its salesmen. They may be called technical executives, sales executives or marketing executives. Whatever the term is used, their major concern in the sales function is to constantly improve the profitability of the territory. The Sales Manager in a modern organization holds a multitude of responsibilities. He has to plan, direct and control the personal selling effort of the firm. His task does not stop with the achievement of sales quotas. He is also responsible for bringing in the required profits. In addition, he is also responsible for creating the desired image for the company and its products. In Continue reading