About Sarbanes-Oxley Act The Sarbanes—Oxley Act of 2002 was passed on July 30, 2002 and only the public companies are now feeling its impact. This act frequently called the “most significant accounting or auditing legislation since the securities exchange Act of 1934”. After the implementation it has established its demands to the companies for proper management and disclosure of risk. There have been found a number of corporate financial scandals (e.g. Enron Accounting Scandal) that provides various type of weakness in the governance and auditing practice in the organization. It represents the failures in controlling the reliability and integrity to the stock markets. The scandals cost billions of dollars for the investors when the affected companies were collapsed. As a result, these scandals make upset the public confidence in the nation’s security markets. The Sarbanes—Oxley Act was passed in positive response by the American congress on July 30, 2002 in Continue reading
Modern Business Concepts
Tacit Knowledge versus Explicit Knowledge
Knowledge is an capability or a ability acquire the man through the understanding. To manage this knowledge human implements the process called Knowledge management. Knowledge management is the targeted skillful and effective interaction movements in knowledge. In other words, the knowledge management is not only the managing of knowledge, but its an process of managing the organisation with a detail focus on knowledge. It is central resources that accept us to function intelligently. Knowledge management is also the transformation to other clear appearances such as traditions, technologies, books and practices within organisation of all kinds and in society in general. Procedural knowledge that carries the way of related process and action performed. Declarative knowledge is also prescribed as knowledge of knowing (something) or ‘know what’. Procedural knowledge also prescribed as process knowledge or ‘know-how’. The procedural and declaration of knowledge is used to build the structure on knowledge base. And Continue reading
About United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) – 10 Principles of UNGC
The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is a tactical strategy scheme for companies who commit to align their operational strategies to the principles outlined by the UNGC whose main purpose for existence is to assist businesses in managing risks and opportunities presented to them in certain areas such as the environment, society and authorities like government divisions and laws. This initiative also aims to integrate their ten principles as universal to businesses and societies for mutual benefits. It is independent of the government which entails that their rules and regulations is not government mandated law though it does support and is in-line with certain government policies that mainly focuses on the social responsibilities of a corporation. Commerce, as the main factor influencing globalization, plays a major role in societies and economies anywhere in the world. UNGC requires participating businesses to submit a Communication in Progress (COP) report once a year, Continue reading
Innovative Organizations – Meaning, Elements and Leadership Behavior
Many organizations are resistant to changes and continue operating the way they had been operating in the past. To remain competitive, they work harder, improve efficiency, reduce cost and implement best practices. But, this is not enough. Instead of getting stuck in their standard mode of operations, organizations need to adopt innovative ways to change the strategies. The best way to create a competitive edge and be in the head of the competition is to innovate by drawing advantage from the creative power of your people. Turn your greatest assets into opportunistic entrepreneurs who discover new ways and improve the way they do business. Management innovation involves total transformation of existing culture to enhance organizational performance in an integrated manner involving technological innovation, product and service innovation, and strategy and structural innovation. Every organization needs to have a vision, a culture and a process of innovation to build a truly Continue reading
Four Generations in the Workplace
For the first time in history, the workforce has become a melting pot of four diverse generations. While diversity is increasingly common in the workforce, usually it is only considered in differences of race, religion, sex, nationality, education, and skill level. While each of these traits can contribute to an employee’s perception of work and preferences in the workplace, generational differences will also have an effect. When organizations try to understand and cater to differences in generations, they will experience benefits both for the organization and the individual employees. By offering more of what employee’s want, an organization can begin to see the benefits of a multi-generational work force. Currently, there are four prominent generations in the workforce. A generation is defined by demographics and key life-events that shape, at least to some degree, distinctive generational characteristics. Since the 1920s, key historical events have shaped society. It is argued that Continue reading
The Knowledge Management Life Cycle
Nowadays, most of organizations realize that the important of managing knowledge effectively. For doing so, they need to be always able to identify, generate, acquire, diffuse and capture the most valuable benefits of knowledge that sets up a strategic advantage to themselves. It also needs to have the ability to differentiate the information, which is digitizable, and true knowledge assets, which can only exist with in the context of an intelligent system. To be able to clearly understand the requirements for effectively implement knowledge management processes in the workplace, we may discuss the knowledge life cycle and strategies in each stages of the cycle. Knowledge Management Life Cycle Knowledge has a life cycle. New knowledge is born as uncertainty thing, and it form into shape as it is tested, matures through implementation in reality, is diffused to a growing user, and finally becomes broadly understood and recognize as common practice. Continue reading