Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) aims at ensuring safety of products by using preventive means. The approach is used to ensure safety of foods, pharmaceutical products, chemical and biological products. The approach aims at using preventive means rather use inspection on finished products. In food industry, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point is used to identity factors that can compromise health safety. After safety hazard are identified then preventive action, referred to as Critical Control Points, are taken in order to prevent any negative health effects. HACCP system has no specific stage where it is used but is used at all levels of food production and preparation. It is used in all stages including processing, packaging, storage and distribution. HACCP programs have been successful ensuring safety of foods and thus help in preventing possible health hazard. Mandatory HACCP programs for meat and juices in the country are acclaimed for Continue reading
Modern Business Concepts
Key Drivers and Life Cycle of Business Continuity Management (BCM)
Managing business environment is one of the challenges which organizations have no control over. There has been escalation in crisis, disasters, and emergencies as many companies enter into the market. Moreover, it is essential for organizations in either the public or private sector to develop a suitable and effective Business Continuity Management (BCM). According to ISO 22301, BCM is a holistic management method of identifying potential threats to organizational activities. BCM also provides a framework for which organizations build resilience to the identified threats and effectively respond. Business Continuity Management (BCM) plays an important role in risk management within the company. Key Drivers of Business Continuity Management (BCM) There it is important to understand the driving factors of Business Continuity Management (BCM), which ensure effective and reliable execution of the organizational plans. The key drivers of Business Continuity Management (BCM) include are highlighted below. Corporate Governance – With the changing Continue reading
Online Reputation Management (ORM) – Meaning, Definition and Strategies
The growth of the internet over the past two decades has come as a welcome development for businesses, both big and small. The internet has provided a whole new, vast and efficient advertising space. However, bad publicity surrounding the brand can also spread faster than ever, tarnishing the image of the brand. The reputation that a brand projects towards its customers, business partners and stockholders can have dramatic effects, not only on the company’s revenue but on its very existence. Many brand owners and managers are still ignorant of the concept of Online Reputation Management (ORM) for businesses. Online reputation refers to a company’s image online. The online environment poses a great risk to businesses and their brands. The online image of a company can be the creation of third parties. Both the company and third parties influence online reputation. It is the responsibility of the company to control its Continue reading
Platformization of Strategic Business Communications
A digital business or communication platform offers a method to recombine technology in novel and transformational ways to create new business functionalities and competences. It offers a logical boundary that divides the technological applications driving digital transformation and technological change from the organizational logic behind those applications. For instance, the Amazon corporation elaborates and designs its digital media, business, and communication platforms as marketplaces and communication channels for clients and colleagues. The implications of platformization for communication and business industries are positive, but can encompass negative aspects related to ethical and privacy issues. Any online communications technology, including desktop, mobile, interpersonal, and email applications, is referred to as a “digital platform.” This notion, in fact, encompasses social networks, media, and websites. Particularly in the media and entertainment sectors, digital platforms have frequently been identified as the key participants in a wide range of marketplaces. Corporate and governmental players in contemporary Continue reading
Assessing Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Progress Using KPIs
Every organization’s success depends on its ability to adopt decisions and execute essential procedures swiftly, effectively, and consistently, including introducing new strategies or projects. Implementation of new strategies, projects, or extending the definition and reaching of CSR is always associated with some risks and requires careful preparation and monitoring of the result. Key performance indicators (KPI) are the most suitable tool for assessing progress in achieving the specified Triple Bottom Line (TBL) objectives within corporate social responsibility (CSR). It would be best to start by asking a strategic question for each element of Triple Bottom Line (TBL). This is a powerful technique that helps both in developing a strategy and understanding the tools and criteria for monitoring its effectiveness. Strategic questions force one to think in a way that inspires movement and helps you find new approaches. It is imperative to implement TBL because many of the challenges that the Continue reading
Whistle-Blowing: Definition, Reasons, and Issues
Definitions of Whistle-Blowing Whistle-blowing has been defined as the act of a man or woman who, believing that the public interest overrides the interest of the organization he serves publicly ‘blows the whistle’ if the organization is involved in corrupt, illegal, fraudulent or harmful activity. It has also been defined as the disclosure by organizational members (former or current) of illegal, immoral or illegitimate practices under the control of their employers, to persons or organizations that may be able to affect the action. Many other definitions of whistle-blowing exist, though they run into problems of inclusion and exclusion and create problems for the researcher attempting to operationally the concept as a form of organizational communication. The following definition comes close to providing sufficient clarity: Whistle-blowing occurs when an individual performs an action or series of actions intended to make the information public. The information is made a matter of public Continue reading