What is Corporate Philanthropy?

Corporate Philanthropy is when the business decides to the promote welfare of the society in which they work and live. It is focused on treating people right, working for a cause to make changes for the betterment of the community. The organizations undertaking corporate philanthropy make donations to other organizations working for the development of the community or work directly by undertaking some initiatives. These donations could be in cash or by volunteering time or offering use of company’s facilities. The organizations usually have a separate team looking after this aspect. The company aims to create and achieve a positive social impact by supporting these beneficiary causes. The business has to utilize its resources and put them to use, so that they become useful for the society. Corporate philanthropic initiatives add value to the company, but the most important aspect is that these values have to align with the long-term Continue reading

Green Productivity for Sustainability

With the start of the new millennium, the world has seen rapid change and change in the approach of the manufacturing industry with regards to sustainable development. Formerly, lone voices were urging a concern for the environment with a thought for sustainable development while improving business performance are now coalescing into a “movement”- new thinking and new ways of approaching old problems have made it perfectly possible to address these issues together, most effective when planned as part of a total review of the life-cycle of products and their manufacturing and delivery processes- and this movement being called Green Productivity. The global economy is coming under growing pressure to pay for the restoration of damaged environments. But this economic engine is being asked to help solve other pressing problems at the same time. The challenge is to solve all of these problems in a sustainable manner, so as to generate Continue reading

Benchmarking Analysis

In a complex, dynamic, fast-changing environment, companies must strive for superiority in order to survive. Competitive edge cannot be achieved or maintained by setting goals based on past or even present performance. Benchmarking is a management practice that can be used to pursue excellence. It does this by identifying, comparing and emulating best practice wherever it occurs. Read More:  Benchmarking as a Strategic Business Tool Benchmarking is defined as a continuous systematic process of evaluating companies recognized as industry leaders, to determine business and work processes that represent best practices and establish rational performance goals. It is a search for industry best practices that lead to superior performance. It illustrates how good a company currently is in comparison to its competitors, that is benchmarking analysis demonstrates what others are doing as well as what others are achieving. Benchmarking analysis is an integral part of the organizational improvement process and it Continue reading

Differences Between Social Entrepreneurship and Business Entrepreneurship

Before understanding the term social entrepreneurship, we need to firstly understand what traditional business entrepreneur itself is. An entrepreneur is an individual who owns a firm, business, or venture, and is responsible for its development. In order to do so, he or she will manage the resources he had. The aim of a traditional business entrepreneur or commercial entrepreneur is to generate profits from the risks and opportunities he or she is willing to take. A business enterprise therefore would be an entity that is owned by the business entrepreneur to achieve business goals that have been set by the entrepreneur. Social entrepreneur is someone who recognizes a social problem and uses entrepreneurial principles to organize, create, and manage a venture to make social change.  The definition of social entrepreneurship varies from a narrow definition to a wide one. Under the narrow definition, social entrepreneurship is basically the action of Continue reading

Role of Service Industries in Economic Growth

The pursuit of service economy, which dictates the specialization in the service industries, is one of the newest economic concepts that ensure the realization of the economic growth. The adoption of this form of economy will allow countries to transform the dimensions of their economic standards in a positive way. In this regard, countries would need to develop more service industries rather than manufacturing industries due to flexibility in the international trade. Similarly, the concept of service economy incorporates the need for improvement of services and product provision. Based on these factors, service industries should mainly focus on financial services, health, education, tourism, and distribution. The degree of mobility of these services is high, and they can be cheaply transferred from one location to another. Additionally, geographical factors do not hinder the performance of these services. As a result, industries should focus on service delivery to their customers, which increases their Continue reading

Crowdsourcing – Definition, Applications, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Since the advent of the internet and the emerging of user-generated media, for example, You Tube and Wikipedia, the process of sharing information has become an easy task, because of the great interaction tools that are provided by the internet. Currently, through the internet organizations and individuals can outsource most of their research work, market surveys, and even seek external assistance in solving critical organizational problems using processes such as crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing was first used to determine the degree of influence of the collective mind on a single business. It is believed that crowdsourcing is the process of doing work by a variety of contractors without any contracts, in most cases, online. Unlike freelance, the use of human resources is suitable for solving more labor-intensive tasks that require a considerable number of performers and time. Thus, the most precise definition of crowdsourcing is information technology, which combines interested people and Continue reading