Electronic Human Resource (e-HR)

e-HR stands for Electronic Human Resource. The term e-HR refers to deal Human Resource Management transactions using an internet. E-HR aims to keep information available to employees and managers at anywhere at any time. E-HR may include organizations HR portals and web applications, Enterprise Resource Planning, HR service centers and interactive voice response. There are three identified levels of e-HR such as publishing of information (delivered by intranet medium), automation of transactions with integration of workflow (intranet or extranet used) and transformation of the HR function (redirect HR function towards a strategic one). E-HR is characterized in field of HRM as having numerous innovations in Technology and it provides wider potential in term of usages including employee self service, information sharing, functions administration and production of reports. e-HR make use of technology to create a real-time, information-based Self-service, interactive work environment. With e-HR, managers can access relevant information and data, Continue reading

What is Workforce Diversity?

Workforce diversity is when a job hires people that are different or similar and puts them in the same workplace to work together. It’s basically the bringing together of different people to one workplace. Some things that would make them similar or different could be their age, background, physical abilities, disabilities, race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation. Workforce diversity is important because it lets companies grow and become more competitive. With workforce diversity comes many great perks and benefits such as creativity, innovation, and a great reputation. Having diversity in the workplace gives a company a lot of great and different types of talent. With this it makes the company more profitable and even more successful. With diversity in the workplace it can be a way to solve issues and customer needs many different ways. Diversity cause many new ideas for companies. With diversity a company gets local connections, different Continue reading

Edgar Schein’s Career Anchors

Edgar Schein, one of the founders in the field in modern organizational psychology, pointed out that, every one of us has a particular orientation towards work. As a result of which, we all approach our work with a set of priority and certain values. This concept is known as ‘Career Anchors’. It represents one’s combination of perceived career competence and includes talents, motives, values and attitudes that give stability and direction to a person’s career. It is regarded as the ‘motivator’ or ‘driver’ of that person. Edgar Schein’s Career Anchors depicts one’s highest priority needs and the factors of work lives one may not be willing to give up. Many people are not really clear about their need and competencies and make an inappropriate career choice, that lead to dissatisfaction and frustration at work. Knowing their Career Anchor properly, people develop sufficient insight to make intelligent and appropriate career choices. Continue reading

Soft Skills – Meaning and Importance

The term personality is derived from Latin word persona, a mask worn by actors in classical dramas. Behaviorist psychologists feel that if a person has some kind of impact or makes a certain impression on others, it must be because of his actions. The simplest meaning of personality, therefore, is “the pattern of responses” which characterizes the individual. An individual’s personality is invariably revealed through interactions in the personal, social and the professional arena, for the act of communication determines how one views and in return is viewed by the world around. In the modern world of professional rivalry and competitive business, obsessed with power and achievement, personality becomes the byword for success. There are qualities that enable one to evolve and grow into an empowered and well-balanced personality, a choice that proves to be a wise investment for long-term achievements. Such qualities along with the ability to effectively communicate Continue reading

Strategic Role of HRM During Recession Period

Since human resource management is dealing with the implementation of the strategies and policies relating to the management of individuals, the department become one of the most responsible to bring the organisation on the right track during recession time. There are some important steps that a business should follow in order to maintain their competitive position on the market. Some of these vital steps are the improvement of prices in order to grow margins, the increase of the financial and operational efficiency, but also the concentration on the market share. The purpose of the human resource management is to make sure that an organisation is able to perform well through its staff, but also to increase the efficiency and the capability of the business. Furthermore, it also helps the business to reach it goals by using the resources available to their best use.  HRM is one of the most important Continue reading

What is Work Life Flexibility?

Work life flexibility is important to have an effective and productive work at the workplace. It is seen that there are various advantages on having flexibility in work life. Having an appropriate work life balance is also essential to have a healthy lifestyle and a successful career. Work life flexibility helps the employee to be more responsible towards his family and adjust himself in various situations. The traditional method of job is found to be from 9am to 5pm. This is usually found as working hours in office. However, this traditional method of office hours is dying with time. In the modern world, people think that this traditional method of office hours does not make any practical sense. It is seen in the modern world that both the parents of a family are working. They need to stay outside the house more than they can give time to their family. Continue reading