Strategic Innovation in Human Resource Management

Businesses can recapture the innovative spirit that initially launched their success. It has been done in companies old and new, big and small, and in just about every industry you can imagine. Each case is different, but there are three common threads. First, corporate leaders recognized the intellectual capital and potential that resided within their own employees. Second, they turned to the Human Resources Department to find the key to unlocking that potential and putting that capital to work. Third, the company reaped tremendous rewards in terms of productivity and profitability as a result. What is common to each strand of this process is the importance of HR departments to the process of strategic innovation. Ideas are the lifeblood of business success. Most of today’s corporate giants began with little more than a great idea and an entrepreneurial gleam in their eye. They leveraged their intellectual capital to build financial Continue reading

Outsourcing of Training and Development

Organizations now are using a unique approach to provide training internally by outsourcing their training departments. This they have found is a way that reduces costs improves productivity and relives them from the need of constant upgradation. Handing over the organizations training function over to  “experts”  in many ways also improves the quality of training. These  experts  have a lot of advantages; they are constantly upgrading themselves to differentiate themselves from the competition and add value to their clients, by virtue of the multiple clients they serve – they have an upfront feel of the best industry practices; training costs can be tracked more objectively and can help align your training’s with your strategic objectives in a far better manner. Outsourcing of training and development activities means comprehensive, end-to-end outsourcing–from the management of the training function to the design, delivery and reporting. Training BPO refers to the transfer of management Continue reading

Reward Strategies in Modern Organizations

Since 1990’s the dynamic link between performance and reward has been a topic of debate. The need of flexibility and cost effectiveness has lead to organizational restructuring of various kinds; including flatter structures with their focus on teamwork, broader roles and non-traditional work arrangements. Implementing a flatter structure is meaningless unless there is a degree of consistency between what is expected of employees in terms of working practices and systems, processes and the resources needed to do the job. All human resource systems especially pay; need to reinforce the forms of skilled performance required of individuals. However most of the companies believe in following the preferred model of paying market rates alongside schemes that recognize individual short-term performance but not long term development. This is among the most challenging responsibility of human resource specialist, as there are many factors to be taken into account before revising a compensation system to Continue reading

Work Life Balance and Wellness in Organizations

Human resource management refers to the management that combines all the activities of the organization and increase the satisfaction level of most important asset of the organization that are the employees of the company. An organization can never build a good team of good professionals without having an efficient human resource management team with them. The human resource management of organization is completely responsible to satisfy the employees and make them feel connected with the activities of the company as well. Further, the organizational behavior is also one of the aspects that helps the employees to create work-life balance or eliminates it from their lives. The human resource management of the organization create effective workplace environment that maintain good workplace environment for the employees to work effectively and satisfy themselves in the organization. Work-life balance is taken as one of the basic requirement that is required by the employees to Continue reading

The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management

Human resource development is the process of assisting employees in a certain organization to improve their personal and organizational skills, their abilities, and use of knowledge. This includes helping them through taking them for training, career development courses, organizational and performance management. The main aim of human resource development is to develop an advanced workforce that will enable the organization to achieve its goals and offer the best to its customers. Human resource development can be done from within the organization or from outside the organization. It can also be done formally such as a planned organizational change, offering classroom training to employees or taking them through a certain college course, or informally where a manager may decide to coach the employees on a particular issue. Human resource development in any organization is the role of human resource management. This deals with all the matters of the employees. This article, Continue reading

Adoption of Strategic Human Resource Development (SHRD) Practices in Organizations

Management requires that all organizations and businesses get the available resources together to enable them to accomplish their goals, objectives, and aims effectively and efficiently. This means that there must be the act of planning, staffing, controlling, and directing the organization’s manpower for the realization of these purposes as set by the organization. The act of developing human resources is cited as an opportunity through which the employees can develop their own personal skills and other organizational skills needed for the successful operation of the business. Strategic Human Resource Development (SHRD) is the linkage between the strategic goals and objects with the resources available in the organization. This is the trend that most companies are adopting in the recent past. Human resource development has become a strategic application of policies and practices that will ensure a company reaches the peak of its performance by utilizing what it has, for its Continue reading