Donald L Kirkpatrick, Professor Emeritus, University Of Wisconsin, first published his ideas in 1959, in a series of articles in the Journal of American Society of Training Directors. The articles were subsequently included in Kirkpatrick’s book Evaluating Training Programs. He was president of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) in 1975. Donald Kirkpatrick’s 1994 book, Evaluating Training Programs, defined his originally published ideas of 1959, thereby further increasing awareness of them, so that his theory has now become arguably the most widely used and popular model for the evaluation of training and learning. Kirkpatrick’s training evaluation model is now considered an industry standard across the HR and training communities. Four Levels of Kirkpatrick’s Training Evaluation Model The basic structure of Kirkpatrick’s training evaluation model focuses on four levels namely, “Reaction, Learning, Behavior and Results”. Reaction, or the extent to which learners were satisfied with the programme; Learning, or Continue reading
Modern HRM
Importance of People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM)
The People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM) is a well documented set of practices that enable growing original workforce competencies. It is more of a strategic management framework for building and growing original competencies. The PCMM practices help to retain, grow and nurture competent individuals. PCMM is an evolutionary framework that guides organizations in selecting high priority improvement actions based on the current maturity of their workforce practices. It is conceptual model based on state-of-the-art workforce practices. It focuses on continuously improving the management and development of the human assets of an organization. The PCMM initiative enables an organization to gain insight into its capability for managing and developing its workforce. Organizations need to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their current human resource management practices in order to understand what steps should be taken to improve them. The organization can then relate its strengths and weaknesses of its practices Continue reading
Advantages and Disadvantages of Organizational Change
Organizational change is an essential part of today’s globalized work life. In modern’s economy, teams and organisations face rapid change like never before. Globalization has not only boosted the markets and opportunities for more development and profit, it also provides opportunities for organisational members to process. However, in general, change processes make demands on both employees and management, regardless of the content of the change process. Facing of the tide of globalization, one of the dominant disputes that human resource professional’s face is what method to improve organizational competitive advantage in the hastily changing environment. Organisational change come about multiple reasons, it is undertaken to ameliorate the accomplishment of that particular organization or a portion of the organization, for instance, a process or team. For organisations to be able to prosper, it is essential for them to go through an important alteration at different sections during their growth. Significant organizational Continue reading
Talent Management Best Practices
The creation of a talent management environment in the 21st century is an important and necessary part of any modern organisations agenda. A shortage of talent, facing an ageing population and a dynamic business environment has all fueled a commitment to a need to focus upon how talent can be attracted and retained within the organisation. To standstill and to be static is a dangerous game and thus firms have to be focused upon adaptability to trigger a sustainable approach through talent. To build a strong, consistent and sustainable talented workforce requires a need to develop employees who can act in the global business environment. 7 Talent Management Best Practices Align Goals and Track Everyone’s Progress: Make sure that every employee’s goals are aligned with organizational goals and also regularly monitor progress on goals so that corrective actions can be taken as required. Finally there is need to be able Continue reading
Strategic Recruitment
Recruitment is a key HRM activity. Organizations to survive and grow need to attract candidates who are qualified to help them achieve their objectives. Effective recruitment does this by locating and attracting potential candidates to job openings within the organization. Such applicants form a pool from which candidates who most closely meet the job specifications can be offered employment. Recruitment begins with the identification of human resource requirements and ends with the receipt of an application. It immediately precedes the selection process and involves attracting qualified and interested candidates from either inside or outside the organization. It is a two way process. Information is given and received by the applicants and the organization. Recruitment is concerned with both meeting the organizations HR requirements and in helping potential candidates decide whether they meet the job requirements, are interested in the position and want to join the organization. Unfortunately, many Continue reading
Workplace Flexibility and Work-Life Balance
In the modern highly volatile business environment, organizations go through a tough time keeping up with the market forces due to the severity of the competition they face. This makes the customer search for the best quality and value for their money. Therefore organizations formulate strategies and these strategies are then transformed into quantitative objectives and are broken down to each employee in the organization in order that they can carry out their part in it. This creates pressure in the minds of the managers and their employees. The managers persuade the employees and get the tasks done one way or the other. This increasingly demanding workplace complexity is what causes work-life balance issues. In other words, employees find it rather difficult to balance the work with their own personal lives. Is Workplace Flexibility the ‘Solution’ to Work-Life Balance Problems? In the context of human resource management, workplace flexibility refers Continue reading