Stress – Causes, Challenges and Prevention Measures

Stress is a natural reaction generated within the body of a person to tackle a particular situation or event with focus, toughness and strength. The stress allows people to find out the unknown and hidden areas within them to face a situation. The stress mainly happens in two steps. One is the external stimulus referred to as the stressor that arises in an environment and the second is the response generated by the body to tackle that particular external stimulus. Stress could be basically categorised into different types. Eustress is the term that was coined to explain positive gains due to stress whereas distress is the stress that causes painfulness and negative fall backs. Hyper stress is the overreaction of a body due to the difficulties of worry or trauma and hypo stress is the under reaction or instability of a body due to an external circumstance. Chronic stress on Continue reading

Human Resource Accounting

To ensure growth and development of any organization, the efficiency of people must be augmented in the right perspective. Without human resources, the other resources cannot be operationally effective.  The success or otherwise of an organization depends on how best the scarce physical resources are utilized by the human resource. What is important here is that the physical resources are being activated by the human resources as the physical resources cannot act on their own. Therefore, the efficient and effective utilization of inanimate resources depends largely on the quality, caliber, skills, perception and character of the people, that is, the human resources working in it. The term Human resource at macro level indicates the sum of all the components such as skills, creative abilities, innovative thinking, intuition, imagination, knowledge and experience possessed by all the people. “Human Resource Accounting” is the offshoot of various research studies conducted in the areas Continue reading

Human Resource Cost Analysis

Human resource cost analysis is the study of behavior of cost in relation to one or more HR criteria. Controlling manpower costs has now become important for organizations, particularly when we are required to look within for cost savings to sustain organizational growth and profitability. To enforce control on HR costs, it is essential to develop a check-list at the outset. This requires grouping of activities under different cost heads and then Identifying the individual cost elements under each head. By developing an HR costs spreadsheet, we can understand the magnitude of HR costs in an organization. Element-wise cost trend over the years facilitates regular monitoring and operational control. At the macro-level, net value added per employee is an indicator of cost efficiency. Developing an HR Costs Checklist HR costs checklist varies from organization to organization due to obvious differences in their practices. Here we have mentioned about those cost Continue reading

Common Team Problems

In today’s organizations, people work in teams that have either a leader or a self-driven team member to lead. While these teams provide support mechanism in the office environment and are used to improve productivity and results, they are also a source of competition. It is this team building scenario that is envisioned to promote the productivity of the employees, and at the same time the organization. In any team there is a difference of opinions, this is beneficial as it provides the building blocks to ideas for their team and organization as a whole. At the same time these opinions do raise the emotions and feelings of the team players. There arises conflict within the group that either improves the team’s performance or the breaks down of the team and consequently hampering the achievement of the organizations goal. The most common team problems are; Floundering: This problem occurs in Continue reading

Human Resource Audit – Definition, Objectives, Scope, and Importance

Human Resource Audit or HR audit is a systematic survey and analysis of different HRD functions with a summarized statement of findings and recommendations for correction of deficiencies. It examines and evaluates policies, procedures and practices to determine the effectiveness of HRD function in an organization. HRD audit ensures that sound and cost-effective policies are implemented. Human resource audit refers to the checking of the performance of the enterprise in its management of human resources. Human resource audit reveals how the management is doing in getting things done through the efforts of its people. It undertakes a systematic research of the effectiveness of the human resource programmes. It evaluates personnel activities of an organization. It acts as an overall quality control, check on human resource function. During the conduct of audit if any deficiency is discovered, steps are taken to remove it. It reviews the effectiveness of management relating to Continue reading

Efficient Use of Human Resources

The Human Resources of an organization represent one of its largest investments. The term human resources at the macro level indicate the sum of all the components (like skill, creative ability) possessed by all the people. Human resources at the organizational level include all the component resources of all employees from rank and file to top level management. So, it includes the resource, of all people who contribute their services to the attainment of organizational goals. Human resources play a crucial role in the development process of the present economy. It is often felt that though the exploitation of natural resources, availability of physical and financial resources and international aid play prominent roles in the growth of modern economies, none of these factors is more significant than efficient and committed manpower. A country with abundance of physical resources will not benefit itself unless human resources make use of them. Only Continue reading