Business Strategy emphasizes how it intends to succeed in its chosen market place. It mainly focuses on competitive advantage. Business Strategy helps to establish the direction in which the organization is going in relation to its environment. The Business Strategy of an organization must reflect the intentions of managers about what they expect to achieve over a stated period of time. Business Strategy is therefore, about beating competitors in meeting customers needs, but this does not mean that a Business Strategy is the same thing as a marketing strategy. Business Strategies should take into account the changing needs and critical resources needed to carry out the strategic aims. Thus, organizations must unavoidably make choices about how they would pursue competitive advantage. Business plans are prepared to work on three to five years cycle and annual business plans are formed within this. These plans consist of strategies like innovation, cost reduction, Continue reading
Modern HRM
5 Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs
Women constitute around half of the total world population. So is in India also. They are therefore regarded as the better half of the society. In traditional societies, they were confined to the four walls of houses performing household activities. In modern societies they have come out of the four walls to participate in all sorts of activities. The global evidences prove that women have been performing exceedingly well in different spheres of activities like academics, politics, administration, social work and so on. Now they have started plunging into industry also and running their enterprises successfully. Women entrepreneur is a person who accepts challenging role to meet her personal need and become economically independent. There are economical, social, religious, cultural and other factors existing in the society which responsible for the emergency of the entrepreneurs. Al through small businesses owned by women have traditionally focused on fashion, fond and other Continue reading
Information System (IS) Applications in Human Resource Management (HRM)
A unified data model provides a single, accurate view of HR activities ranging from recruitment, employment, training, performance management, compensation management and real time management. Oracle human resource leverage workflow and internet-based processes optimize various HRM activities. The system maintains global HR data in case of Trans-national companies and total organizational human resource data in case of national companies in a single location for accurate and easy availability. The system of applications of Information Technology (IT) in HRM is referred to as Human Resource Module. HRIS merges some of HRM functions with the IT field, wherein the planning and programming of data processing systems have evolved into standardized routines and packages of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. ERP integrates the human resource module with finance, production, and sales and administration modules. Generally, traditional HRM functions are common to all organizations. They consist of tracking data regarding personal histories, family details, Continue reading
Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) Assessment
Personality tests can have huge benefits for both organisations and the individuals. It can help management with employee selection and employee development and they can help individuals to identify areas of themselves which need improving. The practical nature of these tests can help to weed out unsuitable candidates quickly and easily and it is also a form of selection which can stand up in court. The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) itself is a well known and trusted brand of test, due to the model which it is based on and the amount of working adults it is normed on. The Hogan Personality Inventory is a personality test which is a measure of normal personality and is used to predict job performance. This tool has many uses and is used by both organisations and individuals. The HPI was specifically designed to aid business and commercial use and can be used throughout Continue reading
The Role of HRM in Developing Organizational Strategy
Human Resource Management (HRM) business strategy emphasizes the importance of individual relationships against collective relations between managers or managers and workers. Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to an activity that depends less on hierarchies, orders and mandates, and stresses the importance of active participation of all employees of the company. The aim is to foster a cooperative relationship between management and workers to prevent frequent clashes resulting from a traditional hierarchical relationship. When HRM is working properly, employees are committed to long-term goals of the organization, allowing it to adapt better to changes in markets. Human Resource Management (HRM) involves taking a range of measures which include: the commitment of employees with corporate objectives, the payment of wages according to productivity of each employee, fair treatment to them, continuing vocational training and link procurement policy to other aspects of organizing work and production, marketing and sales. Some companies carry out Continue reading
The Cultural Context of Business Negotiations
Considering the potential problems in cross-cultural business negotiations, particularly when you mix managers from relationship-oriented cultures with those form information oriented ones, it is a wonder that any international business gets done at all obviously, and the economic imperatives of global trade make much of if happen despite the potential pitfalls. But an appreciation of cultural differences can lead to even better international commercial transaction-it is not just business deals but highly profitable relationships that are the real goal of international business negotiation. For the efficient and effective international business negotiations few steps are important. Which includes: Selection of the appropriate negotiation team. Management of preliminaries, including training, preparation, and manipulation of negotiation settings. Management of the process of negotiations, that is, what happens at the negotiation and table; and Appropriate follow-up procedures and practices. 1. Selection of Negotiation Teams: One reason for global business successes is the large numbers Continue reading