Models of Organizational Behaviour

The effect of an effective organizational behavior system is to produce motivation. Such motivation builds two way relationships. It means that management and employees are jointly benefited without manipulation of one party by the other. Each type of employee is in need of a particular climate. In order to build up a sound climate, executives must understand their people in the organization. The significant factor is that what motivates job performance in general and in building an overall climate conducive to motivation. The individual differences suggest that there can’t be any all purpose organizational climate. The following are the five  models of organizational behaviour based on which the organizational climate ought to be fixed. Important Models of Organizational Behaviour 1. Autocratic Model Deep rooted in history, this model claims ‘power’ as its managerial orientation. The people who are in command must have the power to demand. Authority is the only Continue reading

Strategic Human Resource Management Process

Human resource management (HRM) is that part of management process which makes, enhances, manages and develops the human element of the enterprise measuring their resourcefulness in terms of talents, abilities, total skills, creative, knowledge, and potentialities for effectively contributing to the organizational objectives. Human resources are precious and a source of competitive advantage. Human resources may be tapped most effective by mutually standard policies which promote promise and foster an inclination in employees to act flexibly in the interests of the adaptive organization’s pursuit of excellence. Human resource policies can be joined with planned business and used to reinforce appropriate culture. Human resources play a critical role in enabling the organization to effectively deal with the external environment challenges. The human resource management has been accepted as a strategic partner in the formulation of organization’s strategies and in the implementation of such strategies through human resource planning, employment, training, appraisal Continue reading

Ethical Issues in Human Resource Management

Business ethics are the moral doctrines that direct the way to business behave. Business ethics determines the actions of every individual that distinguish the right or wrong. Every business organization must develop the codes of conduct and ethics that should be followed by all the members. Ethics can be taken as the crucial way to self-presentation and public perception of the organization. Ethics in human resource management is related to the employee’s issues. Human resource management plays an important role in setting up and implementing ethics in the workplace. Implementation of ethics in the workplace has been one of the challenging tasks for the organization. Various human resources issues can be handled properly by the application of ethics and code of practices by the managers in the workplace. Ethics generally determine what is right and what is wrong. With the help of business ethics, proper allocation and maintenance of employee Continue reading

Effectuation – New Paradigm of Entrepreneurship

The business world is permeated through and through this kind of rationality, based on what we see is happening today in the world, what are the trends? what will be the consequences? are forecasted the solutions in a business environment. However, according to Saras Sarasvathy, it is not how entrepreneurs think. The thought process is not “causal” but “effectual”. When a project is approached, the entrepreneur has three means skills: his own innate abilities, skills acquired through education and personal contacts. The entrepreneur is guided by a simple maxim: “To what extent can we control the future, we do not need to predict it.” Here lies all the difference. According to Sarasvathy, the successful entrepreneur does not try to predict what will be the most profitable markets, very opposite idea to Henry Mintzberg. In 1997 Saras Sarasvathy, professor of business and ethics at the University of Virginia but then a Continue reading

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) – Definition, Benefits and Risks

Definition of  Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is the process where an employer outsources or transfers all or part of its recruitment activities to expert services of a third party (generally professional consultants). The Recruitment Process Outsourcing Association defines RPO as follows: “when a provider acts as a company’s internal recruitment function for a portion or all of its jobs, RPO providers manage the entire recruitment/hiring process from job profiling through the  on-boarding  of the new hire, including staff, technology, method and reporting.” RPO and other types of occasional recruitment support, contingency and executive search services differ majorly in the  “Process”. The service provider assumes ownership of the process in RPO, while in other types of staffing services the service provider is only a part of the process controlled by the organization buying their services. History of Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Temporary, contingency and executive search firms Continue reading

What is Succession Planning? Definition, Need and Process

Succession planning is a process for identifying and developing internal people with the potential to fill key leadership positions in the company. Succession planning increases the availability of experienced and skillful employees that are hopeful to undertake these roles as they become available. This process focuses on seeking the right person, not just the available person. It’s built on the idea of recognizing the potential leaders in organization and developing them so that they are ready to move up when the opportunity arises. It’s one of the best methods to promote recruitment and retention in organization. Although people often mix up replacement planning and succession planning, the latter goes beyond former planning because its focus is larger than one position or department. While often related to planning for senior executive replacements only, it is really broader than that can extend as far down the organization chart as managers want to Continue reading