Emotional Intelligence is more Important than Cognitive Intelligence

In real workplaces, people have to learn how to work in a group but the first thing that the individual should learn is how to control their emotions. Emotion is an influential factor in teamwork, cooperation and in the process of helping people. As workers perform their work within a good cooperation, they can build up the reputation of a corporate beside the ethical behavior of themselves. Normally individuals contribute necessary energy for organizational emotional intelligence. Sometimes, there will be a conflict among team member and this may slow down the process of work. If all individuals in the group can each control their emotion, this situation will not happen. That is why emotional intelligence is very important than cognitive intelligence. Individual that can manage their emotion well are categories as a high emotional intelligence’s people. Individuals with high emotional intelligence level are more likely to attend the daily work Continue reading

John Holland’s Theory of Career Choice

It is John Holland’s view that career choice and career adjustment represent an extension of a person’s personality. People express themselves, their interests and values, through their work choices and experience. In his theory, Holland assumes that people’s impressions and generalizations about work, which he refers to as stereotypes, are generally accurate. By studying and refining these stereotypes, Holland assigns both people and work environments to specific categories. John Holland (1966, 1973, 1992, 1997) has published five books that explain his typological theory. Each book represents an update and a further-refined version of earlier work in the development of his theory. The -August 1999 issue of the book – The Journal of Vocational Behavior – contains 12 articles which describe John Holland’s 40-year contribution to career development theory. Two psychological inventories were important in the development of his theory: the Vocational Preference Inventory (Holland, 1985) and the Self-Directed Search (Holland, Continue reading

Economic Theories of Pay and Reward

The issue of pay and reward can be said to be the most important part of work for individuals in the work place as they expect a reward or compensation for the efforts they put in. hence, employers and organizations have established regular reward packages to insure that workers are paid and remain loyal to their jobs. Pay however, has been influenced by many factors, and scholars have propounded theories to explain the reasons why wages vary, rise and fall in occupations. There exist the economic theory that stipulates the demand and supply factor to the variation of wages. Here, the demand for labor is a resultant effect of the services labor can produce, and the supply indicates the willingness of any individual to provide labor that will be priced at a certain range. Here, the supply of labor be it low or high, creates a level of demand, that Continue reading

Occupational Health and Safety Leadership Qualities

Occupation Health and Safety (OHS) can be termed as the rules, legislation, policies, procedures and activities intended to care for the health, safety and welfare of the workers and all the individuals in an organization. It involves looking at the social, mental and physical well-being of workers. Moreover, Occupational Health and Safety in an organization help uphold and sustain a high threshold of physical, mental and social well being of all the workers and their employer; protect worker from adverse health effects emanating from poor working conditions; shelter worker when carrying out their activities from risks emanating from factors unfavorable to their health and finally assist workers adopt physically and mentally to the working environment. In the current world, many organizations tend to put more emphasis on occupational health issues than occupational safety issues as occupational health issues are trickier to tackle. However, when occupational health issues are addressed, safety Continue reading

Implications for International HRM

Diversity of various types in a global company suggests that HRM practices have to be tailor-made to suit the local conditions. Such practices can be seen in the context of different HRM functions. Recruitment and Selection A global company has the following alternative approaches to recruitment and selection of employees: Ethnocentric-all key positions, in headquarters as well as subsidiaries, are staffed by parent-country nationals. Polycentric-key positions in subsidiaries staffed by host-country nationals and those in headquarters staffed by parent-country nationals. Regiocentric-key positions staffed by host-country nationals within particular geographical regions (such as continent-wise). Geocentric-key positions in headquarters as well as subsidiaries staffed by people based on merit, irrespective of their nationality. Different MNCs adopt different approaches for recruitment. For example, a survey of recruitment practices adopted by MNCs reveals that 50 per cent MNCs believe in geocentric approach while 35 per cent MNCs believe in ethnocentric approach and key functionaries Continue reading

Stress and Personality

Stress is very personal as it depends on how you perceive events.   One of the factors that influences your perceptions is your personality.   Depending on your personality you may be more vulnerable to stress than some of your friends or colleagues.   It is important to understand this as many people wrongly think they are weak or at fault in some way because they feel stressed by something others appear to take in their stride. There are in fact individuals who psychologists have termed ‘hardy’, because of their higher level of tolerance to stress.   A ‘hardy’ person has a particularly strong belief in their ability to control events, even when in reality they have limited control.   They also tend to believe that stability is unusual in life and that constant change is normal.   Having these kind of beliefs makes the ‘hardy’ individual more able to Continue reading