An Overview of Virtual Private Network (VPN) Technology

Virtual private networks (VPN) have gained popularity as a secure and cheaper medium for sensitive information to be accessed and transmitted between two or more corporate network over a public network such as the internet, other network technologies have been innovated and used to connect within business sites and across to other sites that are miles away from each other. In the sixties, sites were connected together to enable data transfer through the use of analog phone lines and 2,400-bps modems leased from AT&T, businesses had no other faster modems they could choose from because the telephone companies were controlled by the government. It was not until the early eighties that businesses were able to connect to sites at higher speed using 9,600-bps modems because other telephone companies emerged as a result of the changes in government control and policy on telephone. During this period, there were not much mobile Continue reading

Concept of Management Information Systems (MIS)

The concept of Management Information Systems (MIS)  has evolved over a period of time comprising many different facets of the organizational function. MIS is a necessity in all the organizations. The initial concept of MIS was to process the data available in the organization and present it in the form of reports at regular intervals. The system was largely capable of handling the data from collection to processing. It was more impersonal, requiring each individual to pick and choose the processed data and use it for his requirements. This concept was further modified when a distinction was made between data and information. Information is a product of an analysis of data. This concept is similar to a raw material and the finished product. However, data can be analyzed in a number of ways, producing different shades and specifications of the information as a product. It was, therefore, demanded that the Continue reading

The Future of Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer. P2P network-based virtual currency that is traded online and exchanged into currencies. When paired with third-party services, allows users to mine, buy, sell, or accept bitcoins from anywhere in the world. The offer of transactions with relative anonymity is a significant financial power and brings changes to the future payment systems. Transactions are made with no banks interfering, so there are no transaction fees. More merchants are beginning to accept them. Every-one can buy services, goods but also criminals have a way to transfer very their in-come from illicit activities completely anonymously. While Bitcoin developers maintain Web sites providing guidance to the Bitcoin community, they do not have a centralized database or authority. The Future of Bitcoin Bitcoin will never be successful as a currency, Continue reading

An Overview of Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS)

Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) are Operating Systems for systems operating in Real Time. These Operating Systems have functions dedicated to detecting and responding to tasks from the real world within their deadlines.  Real-Time  Operating Systems are systems that are subject to real time limitations and are expected to deliver services within strict time boundaries. The correctness of such systems depends not only on computational output, but also on the instant at which the system produces the output. Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) can be generally categorized into soft and hard real time systems. When a deadline is missed in a hard real time system, i.e. a service is not provided at the instant at which it is expected, the result would be catastrophic. Hence, hard real time systems are generally safety or mission critical. Examples of Hard Real Time Systems are, Air Traffic Control Systems, Pace makers for heart patients and Continue reading

An Overview of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Technology

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) the most widely used and most powerful measure in security technology for creating an encrypted link between the Web Server web browsers. If the link is encrypted, they use https protocol. Secure receptacle Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the protocol above TCP, which can protect user’s confidentiality when they sending data from a customer side to a web server; this is an important protocol due to the extension of Internet. In fact, it is a long way to make the SSL/TLS protocol fully. However there are still flaw and problems during the development of SSL/TLS, and we cannot deny that there maybe some other potential security hole in the latest version. sequential attack is fatal for both the user and the company in using these protocols to establish a safe channel to transfer information. This article will introduce three typical attacks: Cipher suite Continue reading

Bitcoin – Meaning, Transactions, Mining and Network Security

Bitcoin is a decentralized virtual cryptocurrency, launched in 2009 by an unidentified person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. It does not rely on any central services for managing the creation or flow of money. It relies on cryptographic algorithms in order to prevent abuse of the system. It is abbreviated as BTC and is powered by a peer-to-peer network in the public domain both in terms of issuing and valuation. Until Bitcoin €™s invention, online transactions always required a trusted third-party intermediary. For example, if a person A wanted to send $10 to B over the Internet, he would have had to depend on a third-party service like Paypal. Intermediaries like Paypal keep a ledger of balance of account holders. When A sends $10 to B, Paypal deducts this amount from A €™s account and credits it to B €™s account. The digital money could be spent more than once without Continue reading