Due to increased competition and accelerated product development cycles, innovation and the management of technology is becoming crucial to corporate success. The importance of technology and innovation must be emphasized by people at the very top and reinforced by people throughout the corporation. Management has an obligation to not only encourage new product development, but also to develop a system to ensure that technology is being used most effectively with the consumer in mind. External Scanning: Corporations need to continually scan their external societal and task environments for new developments in technology that may have some application to their current or potential products, Stakeholders, especially customers, can be important participant in the new product development process. Technological Developments: Focusing one’s scanning efforts too closely on one’s own industry is dangerous. Most new developments that threaten existing business practices and technologies do not come from existing competitors or even from Continue reading
Modern Information Systems
Educational Management Information System (EMIS)
Evolution of EMIS The revolution in the information and communication technologies (ICTs) has greatly influenced the life style of whole world. ICTs has a proven role in the field of medical, business, industry, entertainment, communications but now these technologies has emerging efficient role in education field. In developing countries, education sector is one of the core areas that require more attention for the country’s rapid development. The goal of every educational institution is to provide the quality education to all of its students. In these institutes management at all level continuous strives to achieve this aimed goal. Universities are hiring highly qualified professors and equipping their scientific laboratories with latest equipment’s, adding new technologies and books to their libraries. In these educational institutions the concept of digital libraries is also introduced, in classrooms multimedia projects are installed. The concept of distant learning, different tutorials like web and disk based as Continue reading
Comparison Between Proprietary Software and Open Source Software
Proprietary software can be defined as closed software that is distributed under a license agreement that limits any modifications to the software. Its just opposite to the concept of Open source software. Open source software can be defined as software that is distributed freely under a license agreement with no limitations on changes made to the source code. Many proprietary corporations make software freely available to users. For example, Adobe provides users with the Adobe Acrobat Reader. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is an application that users to view documents that have been saved in the portable document format (PDF). The PDF format is developed by Adobe and has become a standard in saving files as electronic documents. ‘Standardization’ and ‘compatibility’ are the two main drivers for the success of proprietary software. Any user that opens a PDF formatted document with Adobe Acrobat Reader is confident that the document will be Continue reading
Importance of Computer in the Modern Society
Computers are now a fact of life. Computers have created a very effective information system to help streamline the management of an organization. This makes it a much needed tool for every business, banking, government, entertainment, daily life, industry, education, and administration. It can be said of all large organizations, whether the department government or private, use a computer for a variety of their daily business and it is the fastest growing industries in the world today. Each organization usually has one or more large computer systems and a number of microcomputer. The system is a great computer for data processing tasks, while many small microcomputer to use as word processing. Computers have become part of our lives is essential. In general, the use of computers can be divided into several groups. It is known that the rapid growth of computer usage time. In all areas have been using computers Continue reading
Blockchain Technology – Advantages and Disadvantages
In 2017, a new form of currency and heated topic came to light, Bitcoin. Soon after its emergence, Bitcoin turned into the most invested in and discussed topic. It was considered to be a future form of digital currency. Investors and debaters understood the basics of how Bitcoin operated, however, the system behind Bitcoin was unclear. Bitcoin, alike many other cryptocurrencies, uses a system called Blockchain. What is Blockchain? How does Blockchain play a role in cryptocurrency? According to Bitcoin.org, “The block chain is a shared public ledger on which the entire Bitcoin network relies.” For example, imagine an iron chain full of square blocks, each block is bind by a transaction between two parties. The blocks are added one after another in chronological order. Within this block, information from both participants is contained. Once the transaction is made, it will be displayed for the public to view. Blockchain plays a Continue reading
Usage and Privacy Concerns of Ubiquitous Connections in Retail Industry
It has become essential for organizations across the world to deploy the latest technology and information systems to understand customers and answer real business problems whilst delivering the best service to their customers. As economies are moving towards a more digitalized ecosystem, the value of data has grown exponentially. Businesses acquire data from a number of sources such as social media sites, online polls, cookies, etc., to assess online activities, find new ways to target customers and monetize the data. Such data often includes personal and sensitive personal information, which if compromised or misused can cause immense harm and thereby a threat to privacy. Though privacy has not been clearly defined because of its many forms and versions, it can be said that it is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves, and thereby express themselves selectively. Privacy as a concept remains important Continue reading