Transaction Processing Systems

The main information systems used for operational support in a business are transaction processing systems. This type of system processes data about transactions, which are events that have occurred that affect the business, such as the sale or purchase of goods. A transaction processing system has 3 main purposes: keep records about the state of an organization, process transactions that affect these records, and produce outputs that report on transactions that have occurred. For example, an inventory control system tracks records about inventory, processes sales and purchases of inventory, and produces reports about the amount and value of items on hand, on order, etc. Transaction processing systems exist in all areas of an organization, and in all types of organizations. TPSs can be used by employees (order entry) or customers (bank ATMs). They can use various types of hardware, software, and networks. TPSs use stored data in both files and Continue reading

Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) – Meaning and Importance

In a global marketplace, information has emerged as an agent and enabler of new competitiveness for today’s enterprise. However the paradigm of strategic planning changes sufficiently to support the new role of information and technology. The question is, are changes can support the new role of information and technology and what is the relationship between strategic information system planning with the development database in an organization. Therefore, the development of strategic information system planning is importance in an organization. Strategic information systems planning (SISP) is the process of creating a portfolio based on the use of information system in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Within SISP, organizational can clearly define their organizational goals, the critical success factor (CSF) and the problem areas within the organization activity. Introduction to Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) There are two concepts of strategic information systems planning (SISP). The first one is SISP Continue reading

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)

Voice over Internet Protocol or Voice over IP or VoIP is a general term for a family of transmission technologies for delivery of voice communications over internet protocol networks such as the internet or other packet-switched networks. Other terms frequently encountered and synonymous with voice over internet protocol are internet protocol telephony, internet telephony, voice over broadband, broadband telephony, and broadband phone. Internet telephony refers to communications services – voice, facsimile, and/or voice-messaging applications – that are transported via the internet, rather than the public switched telephone network. Definition of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Voice over internet protocol can be defined as the ability to make telephone calls and to send facsimiles over internet protocol- based data networks with a suitable quality of service and a much superior cost/benefit. Equipment producers see Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) as a new opportunity to innovate and compete. The challenge for then Continue reading

Architecture and Key Characteristics of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Architecture Cloud computing architecture, the systems architecture of the software systems involved in the delivery of cloud computing, typically involves multiple cloud components communicating with each other over application programming interfaces, usually web services and 3-tier architecture. This resembles the Unix philosophy of having multiple programs each doing one thing well and working together over universal interfaces. Complexity is controlled and the resulting systems are more manageable than their monolithic counterparts. The two most significant components of cloud computing architecture are known as the front end and the back end. The front end is the part seen by the client, i.e. the computer user. This includes the client’s network (or computer) and the applications used to access the cloud via a user interface such as a web browser. The back end of the cloud computing architecture is the ‘cloud’ itself, comprising various computers, servers and data storage devices. Continue reading

E-Business Model – Meaning, Elements and Types

In this Globalization era the developed, undeveloped and developing countries are preparing their societies and communities for globalization. The globalization is possible only because of revolution in communication technology. The concept of global economy is emerging which is making e-business, an indivisible component of business strategy planning. Banking, tourism, shopping, hotel booking, airlines booking, auctioning and the list is non-ending. Millions of internet users just rely for their financial as well as other services on their online transactions. As more and more people have started using internet, more specifically e-business, for their day to day working, e-business has become more and more popular. The excitement of using e-services has grown and the potential for success of businesses increased. As more and more companies have started using internet for their business growth, some problems have to be understood properly and the solutions to them have to be thought carefully. At one Continue reading

3 Levels of Grid Computing Deployment

Grid computing is the application of several computers to a single problem at the same time – usually to a scientific or technical problem that requires a great number of computer processing cycles or access to large amounts of data. Computational grids that couple geographically distributed resources are becoming the effective computing platform for solving large-scale problems in science, engineering, and commerce. According to John Patrick, IBM’s vice president for Internet strategies, “the next big thing will be grid computing.” Although Grid computing is firmly ensconced in the realm of academic and research activities, more and more companies are starting to turn to it for solving hard-nosed, real-world problems. Grid computing is emerging as a viable technology that businesses can use to wring more profits and productivity out of IT resources –and it’s going to be up to you developers and administrators to understand Grid computing and put it to Continue reading