Transaction processing system (TPS), an information system (IS) mostly used by managers in operational management to record internal transactions, economic events that occur within an organization and external transactions where the business event took place outside the organization to make operational decision. TPS supports different tasks by setting a set of rules and guidelines that specify the ways to capture or collect, process and store any transaction in a form of data or information. Transaction Process System Activities Processing business transactions was the first application of computer of most firms. Since the 1950s, Transaction processing system (TPS) have evolved from slow, manual systems to advanced computerized system. TPS, a cross-functional information system were among the earliest computerized systems developed to record, process, validate, and store business for future use or retrieval. Transactions are the economic events or exchange between two or more business entities. Basically, TPS is an organized collection Continue reading
Modern Information Systems
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Standards and Specifications
Electronic Data Interchange Standards Generally speaking, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is considered to be a technical representation of a business conversation between two entities, either internal or external. Note, there is a perception that “EDI” consists of the entire electronic data interchange paradigm, including the transmission, message flow, document format, and software used to interpret the documents. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is considered to describe the rigorously standardized format of electronic documents. The Electronic Data Interchange standards were designed to be independent of communication and software technologies. EDI can be transmitted using any methodology agreed to by the sender and recipient. This includes a variety of technologies, including modem (asynchronous, and bisynchronous), FTP, Email, HTTP, AS1, AS2, WebSphere MQ, etc. It is important to differentiate between the EDI documents and the methods for transmitting them. While comparing the bisynchronous protocol 2400 bit/s modems, CLEO devices, and value-added networks used to Continue reading
Data Processing Methods
1. Batch Processing. Batch processing is a technique in which data to be processed or programs to be executed are collected into groups to permit convenient, efficient, and serial processing. It is the simplest form of data processing. With this method, data is entered to the information flow in large volumes, or batches. That is, the processing by computer is performed periodically, at specified time intervals (weekly, monthly, etc) when large volumes are accumulated. Daily transactions in a business establishment, for example, may be batch processed on a weekly basis. Instead of being processed periodically when a sufficient volume has been accumulated. Advantages of batch processing are: Economical when a large volume of data must be processed and The most appropriate method for those applications (e.g., payroll) where the delay caused by accumulating data into batches does not reduce the value of the information. Limitations of batch processing are: It Continue reading
An Overview of Internet of Things (IoT)
In the 80s and 90s from the last century the world lived in age of personal computing and this computing extended to around 20 years. The internet of things term was named in that name in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, and he was the first person who used internet of things term. Internet in the beginning were used for specific people who are work in companies or banks, not any one can use the internet because it will cost him a lot of money. Since then the internet evolution every year and take a big step forward until it became a revolution in the communication. Also with the evolution of experts and screens roaming mobility moved to an age where the form of the emergence of the phone in Early 2007 launch of the new time of technology and the new age of computing. From that time until now days almost Continue reading
Data Tampering – Meaning, Types and Countermeasures
Tampering means changing or deleting a resource without authorization. A web application is an application that is accessed through a web browser over the internet. Data tampering in web applications simply means a way in which a hacker or a malicious user gets into a web site and changes, deletes or to access unauthorized files. A hacker or malicious user can also tamper indirectly by using a script exploit that is the hacker would get the script to execute by masking it as a user input from a page or as a web link. Tampering is one of the biggest security threats faced by web applications. It is used to change or edit files found in web applications which are usually used by multi-million business corporations across the world. Tampering started in the late 1980’s as a way to sabotage data or plant a malicious or destructive program to delete Continue reading
Application of Big Data in Retail Industry
Information technology is evolving rapidly, and now we are living in the artificial intelligence (AI) age which is considered a smart society where Internet of Things (IoTs) connecting to intelligent devices. Thanks to the advances in technology, retail is among the industries that are most affected by digital transformation. With this transformation, the consumer is changing their shopping experience and behavior from seeking products or shops, comparing, reading reviews to in-store, online and finally writing reviews, contacting customer service. The growing demands of modern consumers for excellent shopping possibilities gives the modern retailer room to innovate and understand shopper’s behavior better in response to the need of modern consumers. Retailers are dealing with a quickly changing retail landscape and newer competitive threats due to the new and improved changes in technology. To address these changes, retailers are now using big data solutions to collect massive amounts of data to gather Continue reading