Strategy involves standing out from the competition and making choices that give the company a unique and valuable position by offering distinctive products and services. Competitive advantage and profitability can be achieved simultaneously by approaches that create consistent internal synergies and combine a company’s operational activities efficiently. Strategies are formed at various levels of the organization. However, a typical organizational structure incorporates strategies at 3 specific levels: corporate, business and functional. Corporate strategy defines a company’s holistic growth and management direction pertaining to its various businesses, products and services. Business strategies, on the other hand, are established at the divisional levels and typically focus on enhancing the strategic business unit’s competitive position in its industry. Functional strategies aim to maximize resource productivity and are typically set by functional departments within each SBU to improve competencies and performance. The profitability of a company depends on three primary factors which include the Continue reading
Modern Management Concepts
Role of Organizational Climate in Facilitating Innovation
One of the most important roles that the leaders play within organization settings is to create the climate for innovation. Organizational climate is a key factor in innovation implementation. Building up an innovative culture in an organisation is one of the important tasks of an innovative leadership. At the same time, creative organizational climate is one of fundamental elements that leads to success of innovation. Doing so successfully will certainly further secure and strengthen the leadership, which initiates innovative climate in the first place. This success will also bind more followers to the leadership because of its respective contributions for innovation, or in another word future success. A leadership should have a quality and skills to manoeuvre the internal environment of an organisation to create a favorable climate for innovation. Although there is no direct influence between organizational climate and innovation, a favorable climate can naturally drive people to seek Continue reading
Concept of Flattening Organization Structures
Organizational structures refer to the way in which an organization is designed, including how tasks are divided, how authority is distributed, and how information flows. Traditional hierarchical structures have long been the norm in many organizations, but in recent years there has been a growing trend towards “flattening” organizational structures. Flattening refers to the process of reducing the number of hierarchical levels in an organization and distributing decision-making power more widely. In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of flattening organizational structures and provide some guidance on how to implement this approach effectively. Benefits of Flattening Organizational Structures Increased agility and responsiveness – Flattening an organization can make it more agile and better able to respond to changes in the marketplace. In a traditional hierarchical structure, decision-making is often slow and cumbersome, as decisions need to be passed up the chain of command for approval. Flattening the Continue reading
What is Sustainability?
The interest in sustainability has grown over recent years and is shared among a variety of national and international organizations, special interest groups and corporations around the world. Sustainable business practices are becoming a worldwide business requirement. Some of the main sustainability requirements have been stated explicitly by many different organizations. A widely cited definition of sustainability is attributed to the United Nations Brundtland Commission and reads as follows: “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (WCED, 1987). Another set of requirements describes the broader and more specific application of sustainability and can be seen in the ten principles of the UN Global Compact which was enacted in 1999. The ten principles establish a set of core values for organizations to follow and encourage those organizations adopting the principles to influence their partner organizations to subscribe to the principles Continue reading
Performance Budgeting
Performance Budget may be defined as a budget based on functions, activities and projects. Performance Budgeting may be described as a budgeting system, where under input costs are related to the end results, are related to the performance. Performance Budgeting is defined as the process of analyzing, identifying, simplifying and crystallizing specific performance objectives of a job to be completed over a period, in the framework of the organizational objectives, the purpose and objectives of the job. It involves evaluation of the performance of the organization in the context of both specific as well as overall objectives of the organization. An overview of Performance Budgeting The performance management concepts for budget management practices produced a performance budgeting. Performance budgeting is a goal-oriented budget, it is based on achievement of the government’s public sector objectives and it is in budget preparation, control and evaluation of a budget management model. In contrast Continue reading
Creative and Innovative Culture in Modern Organizations
Organizational Culture is an outcome of cultural processes at work in a particular setting and focuses on people and the shared meaning within them. An organization with a strong culture may find it difficult to adapt with changes. If they want to bring a culture of creativity then the organization may find it hard to cope with it. A strong culture will have people with commonalities and may lack diversity which is essential in generating new and different ideas. However, subcultures can exist in such organization with strong culture which may bring creativity as a result of diversity. Such divisions are responsible for giving a different option or a direction to the organization which can result to new frontiers. Diversity is an integral element of an organization’s culture. A manager has to be aware of the differences that exist among various employees working in the organization. People in an organization Continue reading