Benefits of Corporate Retreats in Organizations

Corporate retreats can be of any type, such as a sport retreat, or a seminar-style retreat. They are to promote a feeling of teamwork and to build a better understanding among company employees. Corporate retreats can also help employees gain some problem-solving skills that lead to better teamwork and better overall productivity. These team-building activities focus on events where everyone has to work together to reach a common goal. The examples are river rafting, rock climbing, mountain climbing, everyone hiking blindfolded while holding on the same rope, team scavenger hunts, friendly competitions between company departments, etc. Corporate retreats can be customized to fit the company’s need. They can make the employees learn about what the temporary retreat goals are, as well as the long-term results that the company is striving for. Why corporate retreats can increase productivity? This is because organizations can derive some valuable skills from corporate retreats. These Continue reading

Significance of Blue Ocean Strategy in Current Business Scenario

Blue ocean strategy makes companies to come out of ocean of bloody competition by creating market space which is uncontested and that makes the completion irrelevant. Since, dividing up existing demand and benchmarking the competitors, Blue Ocean strategy is regarding grow demand and break away from the competition. The business universe can be thought as a composition of two kinds of oceans the first is the red ocean and second one is the blue ocean. Red ocean includes all the industries which exist today and it is about the known market space. But on the other side Blue Ocean can be considered as industries which are not in existing today and it is called unknown market space. The industries boundaries are defined and well accepted in the red oceans. In the red oceans the rules of competitive games are well defined. The companies try to take away the greater share Continue reading

What is Business Process Automation?

Business process automation (BPA) is the use of technology to automate repetitive and manual business processes. It is a way to streamline and optimize processes, reduce costs, and improve overall business efficiency. With BPA, companies can achieve significant savings in terms of time, money, and resources. In this article, we will explore the concept of business process automation, its benefits, and how it can be implemented. What is Business Process Automation? Business process automation refers to the use of technology to automate repetitive, time-consuming, and manual tasks that are part of a business process. These tasks can include data entry, document processing, invoicing, payroll processing, and many others. By automating these tasks, businesses can eliminate errors, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. Business process automation is often implemented through software applications that are specifically designed to automate specific tasks or workflows. These applications can be customized to meet the specific needs Continue reading

Jay Galbraith’s Star Model of Organizational Design

Organizational design is not simply about structure and the resulting organizational chart.  It is about the relationships between people, work, formal structures and informal practices and behaviors. It is about the way in which an organization structures and coordinates its people and process so it can benefit from its unique capabilities over the long-term.  It  determines who makes decisions and how those decisions will be made. It changes the role of the leaders as they become less decision makers and more decision shapers. Through organizational design, leaders become the shapers of the organization’s decision-making process. Organizational design and the resulting capabilities are the last sustainable sources of  competitive advantage. Star Model  of Organizational Design  is a well-known  model that has been used for decades to identify the key elements of an organization and focus  on the issue of strategy and strategy implementation. Developed by Jay Galbraith, an American consultant and Continue reading

Innovation – Definition and Types

Innovation is an important concept to understand as a manager and for an organisation as a whole. Used in the correct manner, innovation can give an organisation the competitive advantage they need to be a success in their market. Firstly, it is useful to look at innovation in general. Innovations are ideas that are developed into new products or processes. They result in changes that customers recognize as new. Put in even simpler terms, innovation is the process of making improvements by introducing something new. Therefore, the two words that sum innovation up are ‘process’ and ‘new’. Defining Innovation Innovation is doing things in new ways in order to achieve significant results and make a huge difference in performance compared to others. Innovation’s goal is to have a positive change, to make someone or something better. Testing and evaluation of ideas is critical in achieving this goal. The ideas that Continue reading

Spirituality and Management

In the recent past globalization has been a buzzword in most of the corporate houses. Looking dispassionately it is becoming imminent that globalization cannot be stopped in the world economy. This throws new challenges in managing the projects, people, production and market places. This need is pushing the leadership to adopt new approaches to utilize the time, human resources and the potential of the workforce. Many researchers in the field of Human Resources Development have found that spirituality is going to bring in such capabilities as the globalization process demands. Though spirituality in the life of human being is generations-old, it is being revisited with lot of conviction and confidence. We observe off and on that many successful leaders of the corporate ascribe the success of that organization to their people and not to themselves. The modern paradigm is characterized by rigid attitudes and beliefs about others and practices in Continue reading