eGovernment – Definitions and Benefits

EGovernment is one more of the recent years “buzzwords”. It is usually either paired with the word “services” at the end or other words like eGovernance and Digital Government. Like every other (relatively) new and cool “buzzword” they are used widely by a broad spectrum of individuals who represent mostly two different backgrounds. Information technology and politics. The first because it is a technological issue, the later because they have come to realize, even though a little late, that they represent an excellent vehicle for them to provide a better experience to anyone who interacts with the Government. But, what do these terms mean? Do they collide or conflict each other? How about covering or including one another? EGovernment is in the first stages of development. Most governments have already taken or are taking initiatives offering government services online. However, for the true potential of eGovernment to be realized, government Continue reading

Four Generations in the Workplace

For the first time in history, the workforce has become a melting pot of four diverse generations. While diversity is increasingly common in the workforce, usually it is only considered in differences of race, religion, sex, nationality, education, and skill level. While each of these traits can contribute to an employee’s perception of work and preferences in the workplace, generational differences will also have an effect. When organizations try to understand and cater to differences in generations, they will experience benefits both for the organization and the individual employees. By offering more of what employee’s want, an organization can begin to see the benefits of a multi-generational work force. Currently, there are four prominent generations in the workforce. A generation is defined by demographics and key life-events that shape, at least to some degree, distinctive generational characteristics. Since the 1920s, key historical events have shaped society. It is argued that Continue reading

Outsourcing – Concept, Reasons and Importance

In recent decades, outsourcing has emerged as a major trend in human resources all over the world. It has become the practice in where certain job functions are sent outside of a company instead of performing them in house. Day by day, more and more companies are focusing on outsourcing as an easy way to grow as well as reducing overhead and payroll costs. In the simplest terms outsourcing can be described as farming out of different services to third parties. For example in case of   information technology, outsourcing includes any task such as outsourcing all kinds of management of IT to HP or IBM, or even outsourcing a very easy and small task, such as data storage, data editing, disaster recovery or, and any task in between. No precise definition of outsourcing can be found. The term is often used in an inconsistent way. Outsourcing is often involved Continue reading

The Need for Corporate Entrepreneurship

Corporate entrepreneurship or Intrapreneurship is an important element in large and medium organizations. Intrapreneurship exists within the organizations. It plays important role in organizational and economic development. Intrapreneurship leads not only to new ventures, it leads to other innovative activities and orientations such as development of new products, technologies, services, strategies and competitive postures. In good or bad economic times, companies seek innovations to remain competitive. Intrapreneurs are more intelligent and have ability to perceive the big picture. They are self motivated, and optimistic. These people are action oriented and move quickly to get things done. Corporate entrepreneur is a person who focuses on innovation and creativity to transform dreams into profitable reality. A charismatic leader in a company instills an entrepreneurial philosophy in the employees in an organisation. These entrepreneurs must have leadership characteristics. They must be visionary and flexible. Entrepreneur encourages team work and builds coalition of support. Continue reading

Digital Transformation and Digital Leaders

Today’s businesses are always more interconnected via various networks and platforms as society in general is experiencing a Digital Transformation, this digitalization exposes businesses to new opportunities but also new threats. As the way business is conducted changes, the figure of leaders that lead organizations through the business ecosystems need to change obtaining a range of skills, abilities and behavior in order to be successful as Digital Leaders. So a question arises: Who is a digital leader? Digital leaders can be found across the organization in the various levels, from operational levels as operational managers, division level as divisional or line managers, executive level as executives such as CEOs, CIOs, or Board levels. Digital leaders are the new leaders that guide, empower and inspire employees throughout all the organization in order to successfully achieve the planned objectives. This are the same old leadership trait but this are executed in a Continue reading

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing

Although the concept of outsourcing has been around for decades, it gained momentum during the 90’s when managers started realizing that in order to stay competitive in the market they needed to transfer non-core functions to external specialists. During the initial years, the cost saving aspect was the most important reason companies chose to outsource, but these days a wide range of benefits act as the driving factor for outsourcing. Therefore, the decision to outsource is not a sole purchasing or financial decision, but often it is based on major strategic issues implying enormous organisational changes. Advantages of Outsourcing With the benefits of outsourcing a company will be able to see big increase in its profits, productivity  and level of quality, business value, business performance and much more. Some of the advantages of outsourcing  are listed below; Reduction and Control of Cost:  Outsourcing helps companies reduce their cost on resource Continue reading