Management education is mainly aimed at developing managerial skills in students. Amongst the various methods adopted in teaching management and management functions, the case study method developed in 1910 in U.S.A. and is now being propagated during the last decade or so, providing opportunities to both the teacher and the taught to promote managerial I understanding and competence, since it helps in contemplation and discussion of an actual situation. It is a wrong notion that the case studies are confined to management students. Cases may pertain lo any discipline, where skills for solving complex unstructured problems or preparing plans are required. The origin of case study methods itself can be traced to Harward Lawyers. Cases may describe problems facing individuals, groups, institutions or even Nations. Through a case study one learns a broad range of skills and has many alternatives. Case studies encourage the practice and attainment of analytical and Continue reading
Modern Management Practices
Importance of Leadership for Organizational Excellence
A leader is someone who exercise influence over subordinate and other people without using threats or power for the only sake of the benefit or welfare of the community or groups so chosen or elected him/her as their leader. It would not be meaningless to say that a leader is someone who influences others through motivation and people likes to obey him or her willfully not in compulsion. A leader is person who represents the urges and requirements of his community or group and his all actions are only for the welfare and benefits of his groups. Generally leaders are of two kinds’ formal leaders and informal leaders. A leader who is appointed as leader and has been delegated some power under the shelter of a particular rank or position to perform the particular object. A formal leader is not a natural leader because such leaders are selected or elected Continue reading
Innovation Culture in Organizations
Growth creates a need for structure and discipline, organization changes which can strain the culture of creativity that is so vital to future success. To sustain competitive advantage, companies need to institutionalize the innovation process; they need to create an internal environment where creative thinking is central to their values, assumptions and actions. Innovation is the engine of growth. It is also a mindset – meaning it is influenced by beliefs, values, and behavior. Company culture therefore has a huge influence on innovation, being able to either facilitate it or restrain it. Realizing this, many companies have attempted to put systems and processes into place that encourage an innovation culture. However, while such measures are often viewed as the panacea, they are really just the beginning. To shape a truly innovation culture, the top people in a company need to develop a mindful approach where their every action and word Continue reading
Programme Budgeting
Programme Budgeting is mainly useful to government departments and non-profit organizations. In Programme Budgeting special emphasis is laid on formulation of different budgets for different programmes. It utilizes a planning and budgeting process in an output-oriented programme format; which is oriented to its objectives to facilitate developing and evaluating alternatives. It leads to the allocation of resources over a planning period. Programme Budgeting integrates all of the organizations planning activities and budgeting into total system. Programme Budgeting Process First, programmes are identified for achieving different goals of the organizations. Then, each programme is divided into different elements. Resources such as materials, men, machines, utilities, etc., are allocated to various programmes over the period. The emphasis is continuously placed on analysis of alternatives (including existing programmes) and estimating cost of accomplishing objectives and fulfilling purposes and needs. The steps involved in the programme budgeting may be listed as follows: Identification of Continue reading
Four Components of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence was first described by Daniel Goleman, PhD, in the Harvard Business Review. Dr. Goleman has described many important scientific discoveries about emotions and human behavior in his book, “Emotional Intelligence.” The book organizes the information into a description of how emotion drives behavior, and describes intelligent ways of managing both. According to Goleman, people who know and monitor their own feelings and recognize and deal with the feelings of others, have advantages in all areas of life, but those who cannot get a control over their emotional lives battle constantly and this prevent them to produce continued work and clear thoughts. He has identified a set of competencies that differentiate individuals with Emotional Intelligence. Goleman’s Model: Four Components of Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence consists of two kinds of abilities. The vertical axis describes awareness vs. behavior. “What You See” (left column) is the ability to recognize and understand Continue reading
Customer Centric and Market Driven Approaches to Marketing
With the increasing pace of commercialization of economy, international and domestic market environment has changed dramatically-the termination of seller’s market and shortage economy, the arrival of buyer’s market and surplus economy. Consumers have become the leading role within transaction relationship. Companies must spare no efforts to please consumers, provide consumers with satisfactory products. Nowadays, concerning corporate marketing concept, there are customer centric and market driven. Customer centric refers that the enterprise takes the fulfillment of customer demands and the increase of customer value as business starting point. It stressed that the organization should avoid separating the actual demand from customers and subjective assumptions of the market. A customer-centric approach can add value to a company by differentiating themselves from competitors who do not offer the same experience. In essence, customer centric means the modern marketing concept that build a long-term and stable business relationship through provide customers more value and Continue reading