Key Drivers and Life Cycle of Business Continuity Management (BCM)

Managing business environment is one of the challenges which organizations have no control over. There has been escalation in crisis, disasters, and emergencies as many companies enter into the market. Moreover, it is essential for organizations in either the public or private sector to develop a suitable and effective Business Continuity Management (BCM). According to ISO 22301, BCM is a holistic management method of identifying potential threats to organizational activities. BCM also provides a framework for which organizations build resilience to the identified threats and effectively respond. Business Continuity Management (BCM) plays an important role in risk management within the company. Key Drivers of Business Continuity Management (BCM) There it is important to understand the driving factors of Business Continuity Management (BCM), which ensure effective and reliable execution of the organizational plans. The key drivers of Business Continuity Management (BCM) include are highlighted below. Corporate Governance – With the changing Continue reading

Online Reputation Management (ORM) – Meaning, Definition and Strategies

The growth of the internet over the past two decades has come as a welcome development for businesses, both big and small. The internet has provided a whole new, vast and efficient advertising space. However, bad publicity surrounding the brand can also spread faster than ever, tarnishing the image of the brand. The reputation that a brand projects towards its customers, business partners and stockholders can have dramatic effects, not only on the company’s revenue but on its very existence. Many brand owners and managers are still ignorant of the concept of Online Reputation Management (ORM) for businesses. Online reputation refers to a company’s image online. The online environment poses a great risk to businesses and their brands. The online image of a company can be the creation of third parties. Both the company and third parties influence online reputation. It is the responsibility of the company to control its Continue reading

Incumbent vs. Challenger Business Models – Major Differences with Examples

An incumbent can be described as an individual who is responsible for his or her office in a governmental or organizational position. The concerned person has the obligation to the position or the office he or she holds. Thus, an incumbent from a business perspective is generally referred to a leader or a person who is being discussed. The incumbent in a specific industry can change in the responses to bring changes in the market. An incumbent can also be referred to as the business relationship like those that exist between a supplier which is providing materials to another business. A challenger can thus be described as the firm or a leader which has a low market share or a person which is aiming similar leadership position. Challengers are the competitors that are aiming towards for the power and authorities which is already held by an incumbent person (incumbent vs Continue reading

Role of Open Data in Business Innovation

In today’s competitive business world, organizations are constantly struggling to generate a competitive advantage over others in order to sustain their future growth. Companies are facing fierce competition from local as well as international organizations due to globalization and digitalization. In fast pace and rapidly changing industries, corporations rely on an innovative approach to generate and maintain their competitive advantage. Incumbents in industries are threatened by challengers because they use innovation to create a competitive advantage over them. In order to stay relevant and match industry demand, corporations invest in new technology to ensure that they satisfy customers’ requirements and improve their operations. Along with the popularity of internet which is fueled by the growth rate of smartphone users, the popularity of open data has grown as well. Open data is referred to an idea which provides that some data should be freely available and accessible to everyone to republish Continue reading

Relational Leadership Paradigm – Five Practices of Exemplary Leaders

Effective leadership is about creating reciprocal relationships between the leader and followers, subordinates, or constituents that in turn creates the foundation for organizational and group success. The Kouzes and Posner’s Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model has been noted for its contributions to the Relational Leadership paradigm. Kouzes and Posner (1987) conducted research in the area of “personal best” leadership experiences. They developed a “Personal-Best Leadership Experience” questionnaire, asked thousands of managers to complete the questionnaire, and conducted many follow-up interviews to gather additional information. The personal-best questionnaire asked managers to pick a project, program, or event that they characterized as their “personal-best” leadership experience. After analyzing the data collected from questionnaires and interviews, Kouzes and Posner found that despite the variety in situations and types of leadership experiences, similar patterns were identified related to actions taken by the leaders during the experience. Through the analysis process they identified “Five Continue reading

Managing the Innovation Process

Innovation in nowadays is the most important competitive advantage for a company. The future of many businesses depends on their ability to innovate, to be ahead of their competitors. Organisations have to go through a process of practice, mistakes and to bring together different knowledge, skills and ideas to manage innovation process to success. The word innovation comes from the Latin word “innovare”, which means “to make something new”. Innovation is a deceptive thing. People usually relate it to a development of a new or better product or process, but it is only one part of process called innovation. Innovation is a process, which has to be established in the company for continued enhancement. In reality, a view of innovation as a single action can never make the company to succeed in the long run. There are two different types of innovation; radical and incremental. Incremental innovation consists of small Continue reading