Social Innovation Concept – Fair Trade

Community and its citizens require protection from exploitation from a business person. The social innovation is one of the approaches to deal with this problem. It is the act of coming up with concepts and deploying them to resolve problems in aid to social development. The non-profit sector plays an essential role in fostering and implementing social innovation. These non-profit sectors involve themselves in policymakers, academics, practitioners and general community engagement. The sector emphases on changing the power structure to benefit defenseless groups in the society. In other words, it helps the community to have bargaining power in the economic or social life. The community engagement is the act of involving the general public in decision making on matters affecting their life. The following are categories of community engagement theory: Planning and Decision Making, Community Development, and Engaging People in Service Delivery. In Planning and Decision Making, this is where Continue reading

Business Continuity Management (BCM) – Meaning and Example

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of Cure” – Benjamin Franklin The entire businesses around the world are exposed to risk or disruptions whether it is from fire, equipment failure, natural disaster, communication failure, economy downturn or an act of terrorism. There can be hardly superior hazard to any organization than recession. The organizations experienced more disruptions than ever in the past years. These disruptions can ruin the organizations or make it difficult to survive. This is where Business Continuity Management (BCM) plays integral role to smoothly run the business without any interruption. Business Continuity Management is very important for the endurance of the business. Business Continuity Management is a method designed to ensure that the functions of an organization can be managed or restored promptly in the event of internal or external occurrence. One of the most important objectives of the BCM is to reduce the legal, Continue reading

Entrepreneurial Motivation Factors

Entrepreneurship is the process of adding something new [creativity] and something different [innovation] for the purpose of creating wealth for the individual and adding value to society. An entrepreneur has to be creative and innovative in order to have a sustainable growing business. In fact, entrepreneurs are considered as one of the main contributors to country economy growth. Entrepreneurial activity benefit community and society as it creates job opportunity, income, products and services with his creativity and innovation to us. Important Factors of Entrepreneurial Motivation Motivation is one of the elements in influencing the process of entrepreneurship. The general entrepreneurial motivation factors, including need for achievement, locus of control, vision, desire for independence, passion, and drive. Need for Achievement: Individuals who have higher level in need for achievement are will have higher desire to involve in activities or tasks that have a high degree of individual responsibility for outcomes. Entrepreneurial Continue reading

Technological Knowledge Generation and Diffusion in Organizations

The differences in the types of organisations, their structures, their goals and perspectives, and the way they recognise and face challenges can breed a lot of opportunities and avenues for producing and distributing new information to the world. Technology and science has made wonders for almost everyone living in this planet. It has changed the way we live. It has also introduced new sets of problems and issues which must be strategically addressed. Firms are already in the forefront of responding to changes and challenges in their environment. They respond to these challenges through strategies that make use of support systems like technology and scientific research. Today’s business and social transactions are being supported more and more by technological and scientific innovations and strategies. Knowledge of advanced technologies in the different sciences and frontiers has largely advanced most careers and business prospects. The purpose of a business firm is to Continue reading

Implementing BPR in Hierarchical Authority Organizations

Today the business world is characterized by unpredictable changes, under the global competition and the customers’ demands. To be successful in such an environment, a firm must operate with speed, flexibility, low overheads and a clearly defined customer focus. The term business process reengineering (BPR) refers to an approach that is used by organizations seeking improvements in their business performance.  Organizations consider BPR as an important tool of organizational improvement, as it helps them achieve the radical change necessary for today’s volatile business environment. Additionally, BPR stresses the importance of linkages within an organisation. Though its structure integrated processes are generated concerning the nature of people’s jobs and how people are grouped and organized in the working environment. What is more, through BPR people’s jobs become multidimensional instead of narrow and traditional task orientation. When the concept of process is promoted in the BPR, cross boundary teamwork is incorporated and Continue reading