3 Important Domains of Learning

The term learning means changes in our behavior, attitude, knowledge and skills. In other wards we can say that through learning we can feel permanently changes in our self. If we are not feeling any changes in our above skills then it will not be called as learning. The learning is a type of reinforcement, which may learn a change in behavior enduring by strengthening and intensifying certain aspect of an individual behavior. Learning may be described at the process of acquiring the ability to respond adequately to a situation, which may or may not have been previously an countered. The term domains of learning means classification, area and scope of learning. The classification allows the trainer to be better able to organize instruction and thereafter provides better structure and improved clarity. The main aim of domains of learning that the students will be better able to achieve success if Continue reading

Unplanned Organizational Change

Not all the forces for organization change are the results of strategic planning. Indeed  organizations often are responsive to unplanned organizational changes — especially  those derived from the factors internal to the organization. Two such forces of unplanned organizational change  are  the changes in the demographic composition of the workforce and performance  gaps. Changing Employee Demographics : It is easy to see, even within our  own lifetimes, how the composition of the workforce has changed. The  percentage of women in the workforce is greater than ever before. More  and more women with professional qualifications are joining the  organization at the junior and the middle management levels. In addition  to these, the workforce is getting older. Many of the old retired  employees from government and public sector are joining the private  sector, thereby changing the employee demographics. With the opening  up of the economy and globalization, the workforce is also continually Continue reading

Top 13 Reasons Why Organizational Change Fails

Now a day’s change in the organisations is really norm because at the moment organisations are facing many factors which are influenced by both the external and internal environment. As we can see that world is changing at very rapid speed so it is very important for any organisation to adapt the changes to survive in this competitive market. It is also very vital for any organisation to fulfill the needs of their customers to sustain in modern world so for that particular reason they have to take some bold steps by implementing the changes in their business models this can be according to the current trend in the market, innovations in technology and customers demands. For the successful business it is very important to make changes because it is a demand of time. Organizational change is the process of transformation. It may be cause success or failure. Change becomes Continue reading

Forces for Organizational Change

Change is inevitable in the life of an individual or organisation. In  today’s business world, most of the organisations are facing a dynamic and  changing business environment. They should either change or die, there is no  third alternative. Organisations that learn and cope with change will thrive and  flourish and others who fail to do so will be wiped out. The major forces which  make the changes not only desirable but inevitable are technological, economic,  political, social, legal, international and labor market environments. Recent  surveys of some major organisations around the world have shown that all  successful organisations are continuously interacting with the environment and  making changes in their structural design or philosophy or policies or strategies  as the need be. There are a number of factors both internal and external which affect  organisational functioning. Any change in these factors necessitates changes in  an organisation. The more important factors are Continue reading

Organizational Development through Team Building

There are a variety of situations where new teams are formed. The project based, cross-functional work team has become the basis of industry in the 1990’s. Virtual team organization is rapidly becoming the model for flexibility and agility in organizing quickly and effectively to get jobs done. New teams usually have a clear task focus in the early going and there is usually a clear understanding of the short term goals. The new team members are also generally technically competent and there usually is a challenge in the project that will draw on their technical capabilities. While the early activities of a team are clearly focused on task and work issues, relationship problems tend do develop as they do in any human system. By the time these interpersonal issues surface the team may be well along in its activities. The issues may become very difficult and very costly to work Continue reading

Role of Case Studies in Employee Training and Development

One way to help trainees learn analytical and problem solving skills is by presenting a story (called a case) about people in an organization who are facing a problem or decision. Cases may be faced on actual events involving real people in an organization, or they can be fictional. Business case studies are included in college text books and courses in management, public administration, law, sociology, and similar subjects. They are increasingly available using video and other media. While cases vary in complexity and detail, trainees should be given enough information to analyze the situation and recommend their own solutions. In solving the problem, the trainees are generally required to use a rational problem-solving process that includes the following steps: Restating important facts. Drawing inferences from the facts. Stating the problem or problems. Developing alternative solutions and then stating consequences of each. Determining and supporting a course of action. Proponents Continue reading