Top Tips For Managing Your Credit

Credit is a useful tool to extend your wealth and allow you to reach commodities you wouldn’t be able to before. Vacations, extravagant gifts, and fun activities might not be affordable to you without the help of credit. However, if you don’t manage your credit correctly, you can easily fall behind on payments and start getting into debt. To help you avoid paying more than you need to, here are some tips you should always keep in your mind. Consolidate Your Loans The first thing you need to do is collect all of your debts and put them into one place. This “one place” should be a consolidation loan. The idea is to make the loan as easy to understand as possible. Instead of having two loans with one bank, a credit card with another, a store card, and more, you take out a loan designed to pay the other Continue reading

What Is Plastic Money?

A plastic money card is a thin card that contains identification information such as a signature or picture, and authorizes the card holder to charge purchases or services to the card holder’s account. Today, the information on the card is read by automated teller machines (ATMs), banks, and the internet. It all started in the 1920s, when individual companies (such as oil companies and hotels) issued these “plastic money cards” for purchases made at their businesses. However, these cards could not be used outside of the company. In the 1950s a “universal card” was introduced by Diners Club, INC. This was when credit cards were made. These cards allowed the card holders to use the cards in various locations and businesses. The way the cards worked was that there were annual fees, and depending on the plan, the card holders were billed either monthly or yearly. Later on the “bank Continue reading

Positive and Negative Effects of Debt

Debt can be viewed as good and sometimes also can bad too. Debt makes people and organizations that they would not allowed to do. All this while, people use it to purchase houses, cars, and others things with their cash on hand. With the debt, they can spend as much as they want on expensive things. Besides, for those companies also use the debt as to influence the investment made in their assets. This influence of debt is considered as an important part in determining the riskiness of the investment. As we know that, the more the debt per equity, the more risky we will face. The increased of risks will bring some bad effects to organizations as well as individuals. As for individuals, the cost of servicing the debt can grow beyond the ability to pay due to both external events and this cause their income loss. And there Continue reading

Types of Credit Cards

There are many types of credit cards which are used by different types of customers and account holders. Mostly business personnel use credit cards which are convenient in their use and which suit businessmen. Similarly students would use student credit cards and a layman will use general purpose cards. There are some most used types of credit cards. For example Interest Credit Cards are mostly used by businessmen and company CEOs because there is a charge of interest if credit card payment has not been annulled in time. Another important and commonly used type of credit cards is those in which 0 APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is charged as its introductory price similarly cash cards are also used which are just like cash but in the form of plastic card. It is because the cash card holder has paid the cash price of that card and he can use it Continue reading

Behavioral Finance – Definition, Meaning, and Characteristics

Traditionally, economics and finance have focused on models that assume rationality. The behavioral insights have emerged from the application of insights from experimental psychology in finance and economics. Behavioral finance is relatively a new field which seeks to provide explanation for people’s economic decisions. It is a combination of behavioral and cognitive psychological theory with conventional economics and finance. Inability to maximize the expected utility (EU) of rational investors leads to growth of behavioral finance within the efficient market framework. Behavioral finance is an attempt to resolve inconsistency of Traditional Expected Utility Maximization of rational investors within efficient markets through explanation based on human behavior. For instance, Behavioral finance explains why and how markets might be inefficient. An underlying assumption of behavioral finance is that, the information structure and characteristics of market participants systematically influence the individual’s investment decisions as well as market outcomes. Investor, as a human being, processes Continue reading

Types of Life Insurance Claims

Claims Management Department The claims department is one of the key departments in an insurance company. The claims department has the following functions to perform: To provide the customers of insurance and reinsurance companies with high quality of service. This role gives a long-term edge to the company and hence is referred to as the strategic role. To monitor the claims and see that whether the benefits of insurance exceed the costs of claims. This role is referred to as the cost-monitoring role of the claims department. To see that the expectations of the customers are met with regard to speed, manner and efficiency of the service. This is called the customer service role of the claims department. To meet the standard of service, to keep up to the customers expectations and still operate within the budget. This is the managerial role of the claims department. Both the quality of Continue reading