A business organization can be formed with certain properties and specific characteristics. Since business organization is an association of persons, the manner of forming and the objectives of the association decide the form of organization. Individuals form an organization because they are unable to achieve their goals individually. An organization provides opportunities to exploit the existing potential of men and materials. It explores the future possibilities of exploiting human and physical resources. Individuals interested in getting benefits out of the present and potential resources form an association, better known as an organization, to attain the group goals. The dynamics of individuals and the organization are used to gain maximum benefits. They work in a particular manner to obtain the objectives. They can form formal or informal organizations. Formal Organizations A formal organization develops in a well-defined system and has specific properties. It bears definite measures of authority, responsibility, obligation Continue reading
Principles of Management
Major Leadership Theories in Management
Leadership is an integral part of management and plays a vital role in managerial operations. Leadership provides direction, guidance, and confidence to the employees and helps in the attainment of goals in much easier way. In business and industrial organizations, managers play the role of leader and acquire leadership of subordinates, their efforts towards the achievement of organizational goals and activate the individuals of an organization to make them work. Leadership influences behavior of the individuals. It has an ability to attract others and potential to make them follow the instructions. Individuals can be induced to contribute their optimum towards the attainment of organizational goals through effective leadership. Leadership acquires dominance and the followers accept the directives and control of a leader. Leadership provides direction and vision for future to an organization. A number of theories and approaches to study leadership have been developed. There are broadly three leadership theories Continue reading
Most Important Functions of Management
Some would define management as an art, while others would define it as a science. Whether management is an art or a science isn’t what is most important. Management is a process that is used to accomplish organizational goals; that is, a process that is used to achieve what an organization wants to achieve. An organization could be a business, a school, a city, a group of volunteers, or any governmental entity. Managers are the people to whom this management task is assigned, and it is generally thought that they achieve the desired goals through the key functions of management. Some would include leading as a managing function, but for the purposes of this discussion, leading is included as a part of directing. The elements of management process are known as functions of management. However various authors have classified these differently. Henry Fayol classified the major functions of management into Continue reading
Modern Theories of Organization
Modern organizational behavior has become complex. It synthesizes the classical and neoclassical theories of organization, while incorporating technological development. Modern theories of organization are classified into quantitative theory, system theory and contingency theory. 1. Quantitative Theory The quantitative theory includes operation research and quantification of the problem. It analyses the problems from quantifiable angles and provides solutions to complex problems only with the help of statistical and mathematical models such as linear and non-linear programming, game theory, decision tree, simulation and probability. Computers are used to solve management problems whereas mathematical models were previously used for the purpose. A large number of problems are solved with the use of simulation equations and computers. The development of equations requires specialized skills and advance knowledge of mathematics, statistics, economics and behavioral sciences. Models are tested while the context of the real world and use of operation research. Continue reading
Compare and Contrast Maslow’s Theory of Needs with Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
Motivation is an intangible human asset which acts as a driver that pushes humans to be willing to perform certain actions. In just about everything we do there is something that moves us to perform the action which involves some motivation allowing us to perform tasks or actions which produces some type of personal benefit as a result. The general theory would be that, the greater the personal gain in performing the task for the individual, the more motivated they are to try at the task to achieve the best outcome. Motivation is usually stimulated by a want where there is a gain to be had as a result of performing a certain task. A person is a wanting being – he always wants, and he wants more. Therefore if there is nothing that an individual wants, there would be no need for them to perform a certain task as Continue reading
Scientific Management Theory – Directions and Characteristics
Scientific management is a process of improving the labor organization based on scientific achievements and excellence. It is important to mention that an American engineer Frederick Winslow Taylor was the first scientific engineer, who used and formalized scientific management and highlighted its four principles. Scientific management is the labor organization based on modern scientific achievements and best practices, which were systematically introduced into the workplace. Scientific management allows combining technology and people in the labor process. In addition to the above-mentioned information, scientific management can be characterized as an approach within classical management theory that emphasizes the scientific study of work methods in order to improve worker efficiency. Scientific management’s implementation saves time and is an important growth factor productivity of living labor. The importance and value of scientific management is that it allows you to save hard work as a result of better use of the production’s material Continue reading