Typical Project Financing Models

Besides Build Operate Transfer (BOT) and Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) models, some typical project financing models are there. They are: Build Own Operate (BOO) Model: In BOO, the concessionaire constructs the facility and then operates it on behalf of the public agency. The initial operating period {over which the capital cost will be recovered} is defined. Legal title to the facility remains in the private sector, and there is no obligation for the public sector to purchase the facility or take title. The private sector partner owns the project outright and retains the operating revenue risk and all of the surplus operating revenue in perpetuity. As an alternative to transfer, a further operating contract {at a lower cost} may be negotiated. Design Build Finance Operate (DBFO) Model: Under this approach, the responsibilities fro designing, building, financing and operating are bundled together and transferred to private sector partners. They are Continue reading

Term Loans as a Project Financing Method

Project financing may be defined as the raising of funds required to finance a capital  investment proposal which is economically separable. The assets, contracts cash flows  are separated from the parent company and the assets acquired for the projects serve as  collateral for loans. The repayments are made from the revenue generated from the  projects. Also, the lending institution has to ensure that the  investment on the proposed project will generate sufficient returns on the investments  made and that loan amount disbursed for the implementation of the project will be  recovered along with interest within a reasonable period of time. Term loans are meant for tying up the capital cost of the project. The primary source of such loans is  financial institutions. Commercial banks also provide term finance in a limited way. The  financial institutions provide project finance for new projects as also for  expansion/diversification and modernization, whereas the bulk Continue reading

Project Financing – Financing Options For Projects

Project advisory services falls under one of the core branches of corporate advisory services. It deals with the decision of financing a project based on its strength of assuring the future cash inflows. In other words Project financing deals with financing a project, which can in turn generate return for its stakeholders and help in repaying the interest and loan on the proposed project. The assets used for undertaking that project are used as collateral for financing that project. The following constitute the differences between project financing and the other types. In project financing, the lenders look at the strength of the project to perform and generate sufficient returns to serve the interest and loan on that project. Even if the assets are taken as collateral, they may not be able to cover the entire loan through the sale of assets. Hence the lenders mainly look about the profitability of Continue reading

Commercial or Financial Profitability

In order to assess the operational efficiency of a project and its  profitability most of the industrially advanced countries  employed various technique for the purpose of financial  profitability analysis. Profit is the primary objective of an enterprise. The word profit implies a  comparison of the operations of business between two specific dates  which are usually separated by an interval of one year.  The maximization of profit within a socially acceptable limit implies that a  proper regard for public interest has been shown. Really it is the growth  of profit which enables a firm to pay higher dividends to its ordinary  shareholders. According to the Economists point of view profit is the reward for  entrepreneurship.  Various  factors influence the profit variations. They are as follows. The volume of sales plays a tremendous part in profit making. So  long as a sustained maximum volume continues at the top of  capacity curve, break Continue reading

Procedural Aspects of Project Finance

The procedural aspects of project financing by banks and other major financial institutions consists of following stages: 1. Identification of the Project The project’s idea is introduced to providers by various sources: a request from the government concerned or financials identification missions may identify a proposal from other financiers, or it. Applications for financing are then sorted out and classified: projects to be financed are selected from amongst projects which have top priority in the development plans of the beneficiary countries and which meet the requirements established by the rules for financing set out by the providers and agreed upon by the government concerned. In all cases, an official request from the government should be submitted to financials before it decides to participate in the financing. 2. Desk Review and Determination of the Project’s Scope Experts, each in his field of specialization, study all the documents available on the project Continue reading