Project management is defined as process of initiating, planning, executing and delivery of a product with a group of a team to achieve a goal on time. In project management the main things to consider are start and end date of a project. For every project there will be a risk factor which should be taken care. Any project needs following four factors: Time, Budget, Quality and Feedback from the stakeholders. Also, project management is an important and significant contribution in delivering the business benefits through projects. It also has been seen that organizations these days are following a strategic way to achieve the goals of the project. Project management also plays a vital role in preparing a strategic plan to get the project from the customers and justify the requirements or funding but unlike any projects in a realistic way the goal of the project to achieve and be Continue reading
Project Management Concepts
Build Operate Transfer (BOT) Model
Build Operate Transfer (BOT) is a project financing and operating approach that has found an application in recent years primarily in the area of infrastructure privatization in the developing countries. It enables direct private sector investment in large scale infrastructure projects. In BOT the private contractor constructs and operates the facility for a specified period. The public agency pays the contractor a fee, which may be a fixed sum, linked to output or, more likely, a combination of the two. The fee will cover the operators fixed and variable costs, including recovery of the capital invested by the contractor. In this case, ownership of the facility rests with the public agency. The theory of Build Operate Transfer (BOT) is as follows: BUILD – A private company (or consortium) agrees with a government to invest in a public infrastructure project. The company then secures their own financing to construct the project. Continue reading
Kerzner Project Management Maturity Model (KPM3)
Strategic project planning and other phenomenon for successful project has been recognized from several decades. Harold Kerzner has invented project management model innumerably knows as Kerzner Project Management Maturity Model (KPM3). This model is thoroughly possessed acquisition to best strategic management plans for any organization. Additionally this model is excellent medium to gain such excellency in project management system of any organization. Kerzner notifies that this model is considerably fruitful for strategic and multilevel planning for any organization. Foundation of achieving superiority level in various strategic goals can be illustrated by Kerzner Project Management Maturity Model (KPM3). This model consist five basic levels to enable better understanding of its functionality and proficiency for project management. This levels are commonly known as level of common language, common process, singular methodology, benchmarking, and continuous improvement. Level 1: Common Language This phase of model consists various understandings of terminologies relating to project management Continue reading
Cost Planning Systems in Construction Management
Cost planning in construction is necessary since building a house is a very expensive thing to do and any mistakes can be very costly to the client. It is very important to know how to plan and to ensure that the building is suitable as far as the resources are concerned. All factors should be considered to ensure maximum value for your money. It is also important to note that a building should not cost more than what the client has budgeted for. There are different methods of cost planning during construction which the client should be able to use for purposes of ensuring the budget is not overrun. These methods involve approximate estimation of the client’s budget. One method involves looking at similar structures erected within the resent time frame since costs do not differ very much within the same location. A developer should always consult on the prevalent Continue reading
Managing Project Life Cycle
Projects have a distinct life cycle, starting with an idea and progressing through design, engineering and manufacturing or construction, through use by a project owner. Project life cycle is a collection of generally sequential project phases, whose name and number are determined by the control needs of organization or organizations involved in the project. A project phase is collection of logically related project activities usually culminating in the completion of major deliverable i.e. any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result or item that must be produced to complete a project or part of project. The project originates as an idea in someone’s mind, takes a conceptual form and eventually has enough substance that key decision-makers in the organization select the project as a means of executing elements of strategy in the organization. In practice, the project manager must learn to deal with a wide range of problems and opportunities, each in Continue reading
Agile Project Management – Concept and Stages
What is Agile Project Management? Agile project management has been defined as short cycles of product development that deliver incremental updates of the product rapidly based on the changing needs of the customer. This methodology is the opposite of waterfall project management, which values extensive planning and pre-production. The agile approach consists of a number of stages including rapid iterative planning and development cycles allowing a project team to constantly evaluate the project and obtain immediate feedback from users or stakeholders allowing the team to learn from their experiences after each cycle. After the streamlined planning requirements, definition and solution design phase is completed to get the project underway iterations or more detailed planning requirements are created. This allows for immediate modifications of the product as customer views change. Agile project management requires a dedicated full time team including a customer or end users. Agile project management differs to traditional Continue reading