Concept of Project Based Organizations (PBO)

In today’s turbulent market, a lot of organizations is still seeking for a strategic advantage over others and a lot of them has actually seek Project Based Organization (PBO) as a way to propel them for greater height and thus, gain a strategic advantage over other companies. However, there are still questions how they can best make use of this new organization structure approach to create a synergy between company business mission, strategy, and project as well as portfolio management Project Based Organizations refer to organizational forms that involve the creation of temporary systems for the performance of project tasks or activities. PBOs are gaining increased attention as an emerging organizational form, but there is very little knowledge on how PBO function in practice and what value or benefits in adopting the practice of Project Based Organizations. Needless to say, there are not many findings on how the extensive use Continue reading

Strategic Issues in Project Management

An issue is something that has happened and either threatens or enhances the  success of a project. Issue management is the process for recording and  handling any event or problem. Some of the issues can be dealt within the  project. However strategic issues may require a change in order to keep the  project viable.  The concept of “strategic issues” has emerged as a way to identify and manage  factors and forces that can significantly affect an organization’s future strategies  and tactics.  Project owners need to be aware of the possible and probable impacts of  strategic issues. The project team leader has the primary responsibility to focus  the owner’s resources to deal with project strategic issues.  In a project, a strategic issue is a condition of pressure, either internal or  external, that will have a significant effect on one or more factors of the project,  such as its financing, design, engineering, Continue reading