Correlational research is a quantitative research method that tries to determine if there is a relationship or covariation between two or more quantitative variables which are collected from the same subjects or a group of subjects. The subjects must be from the same participants if any correlation is to be assumed to exist. The more the number of subjects available, the higher is the probability of having valid data. This method of study was developed by Francis Galton and later perfected by Karl Pearson who formulated the mathematical concept. The correlation may be positive, negative or may indicate that there is no relationship between the variables. Correlation shows the strength of a relationship between variables but it does not prove a theory or indicate the cause of the relationship. Correlation is used when the researcher has an interest in knowing the nature of the relationship between variables to be able Continue reading
Research Basics
Research Design
A research design is nothing but a detailed plan of action for the research. A researcher attempting to solve the research problem, should necessarily prepare a plan which will help him to attain his ultimate motto. This plan is nothing but a research design. It is a plan which defines research problem, identifies data needed, decides on tool of data collection, and type of study etc. It is a tentative plan which undergoes many modifications as the research study progresses. It presents a series of guide posts to enable the researcher to progress in the right direction. Definitions of Research Design Several definitions of Research Design have been advanced by several writers on the subject of research methodology. Few of them are presented here: According to Claire Seltiz, Research Design is a catalogue of the various and facts relating to the formulation of a research effort. It is the arrangement Continue reading
Observation Method of Research Data Collection
Observation means the careful and systematic watching of facts as they occur in course of nature. In the strict sense, observation implies more use of the eyes and the ears than the mouth. Aspects of Observation Observation involves three processes, i.e. (i) sensation (ii) attention (iii) perception. Sensation is gained through the sense organs which depend upon the physical alertness of the observer. The sense organs are receptive to stimuli and get attracted leading to the first stage in observation. Then comes attention or concentration which is largely a matter of commitment and will-power. Adequate training and experience can make it almost a matter of habit. The third is perception which comprises the interpretation of sensory reports. Thus, sensation merely reports the facts as observed but perception enables the mind to recognize the facts. Through this process, observation serves the purpose of (i) studying collective behavior and complex social situations; Continue reading
Simple Random Sampling in Research
In probability sampling, each element of the population has a known non-zero chance of being selected for the sample. Among the probability sampling methods, simple random sampling is simplest as its name indicate and it underlies many of the more complex methods. In a simple random sample of a given size, all such subsets of the frame are given an equal probability. Each element of the frame thus has an equal probability of selection: the frame is not subdivided or partitioned. Furthermore, any given pair of elements has the same chance of selection as any other such pair (and similarly for triples, and so on). This minimises bias and simplifies analysis of results. In particular, the variance between individual results within the sample is a good indicator of variance in the overall population, which makes it relatively easy to estimate the accuracy of results. However, simple random sampling can be Continue reading
Classification and Tabulation of Data in Research
Classification of Data Classification is the way of arranging the data in different classes in order to give a definite form and a coherent structure to the data collected, facilitating their use in the most systematic and effective manner. It is the process of grouping the statistical data under various understandable homogeneous groups for the purpose of convenient interpretation. A uniformity of attributes is the basis criterion for classification; and the grouping of data is made according to similarity. Classification becomes necessary when there is diversity in the data collected for meaningful presentation and analysis. However, in respect of homogeneous presentation of data, classification may be unnecessary. Characteristics of classification of data are; Classification performs homogeneous grouping of data. It brings out points of similarity and dissimilarities. The classification may be either real or imaginary. Classification is flexible to accommodate adjustments. Objectives of classification of data; To group heterogeneous data Continue reading
Stratified Random Sampling in Research
In the example of choosing a simple random sample of twenty employees out of a thousand in a factory, suppose they include 100 supervise and 900 workers. A simple random sample comes by mere chance and it possible that among the twenty chosen, all may be supervisors or none may be. If the researcher feels that he should study both the subgroups, it would be me sensible to take a random sample from each subgroup (stratum) after separate lists for the two strata. Such sampling is called stratified random sampling. Stratification may be done in business research on differ characteristics like sex, age (e.g. young, middle-aged, old), race, religion, occupation, education, residential area (e.g., rural, urban) ownership of (e.g., public sector, private sector), size of business or income. The stratification may be proportionate or disproportionate. In the sampling of twenty employees from a factory described above, if 2 supervisors Continue reading