Schedule as a Data Collection Technique in Research

Schedule is the tool or instrument used to collect data from the respondents while   interview is conducted. Schedule contains questions, statements (on which opinions are elicited) and blank spaces/tables for filling up the respondents. The features of schedules are : The schedule is presented by the interviewer. The questions are asked and the answers are noted down by him. The list of questions is a more formal document, it need not be attractive. The schedule can be used in a very narrow sphere of social research. The main purposes of schedule are three fold : To provide a standardized tool for observation or interview in order to attain objectivity, To act as memory tickler i.e., the schedule keeps the memory of the interviewer/ observer refreshed and keeps him reminded of the different aspects that are to be particularly observed, and To facilitate the work of tabulation and analysis. Types Continue reading

Guide to the Development of Research Questionnaires

The process of questionnaire development is divided into three phases, (1) Designing or making (2) Issuing (3) Returning. While designing a research questionnaire, attention should be paid to three important matters; Appearance of the questionnaire, Contents of questionnaire, and Subject-matter. Design of Questionnaire To design a good research questionnaire certain steps are needed. These are : Consult   colleagues, friends & acquaintances to get their thinking on the problem. Formulation of such a list of areas and questions. Submit this list to experts both in the field of problem and related fields. Drafting the questionnaire (first stage). Pre-testing the questionnaire. Re-examination and revising the questionnaire (second stage). Physical Appearance of the Questionnaire Special attention should be paid in order to give a good physical appearance to the research questionnaire so as to get good response from the respondent. Matters requiring special attention include quality and size of paper, type of Continue reading

In-Depth Interviewing Techniques

In-depth interview  is an intensive and searching interview aiming at studying the respondent’s opinion, emotions or convictions on the basis of an interview guide. Conducting an in-depth interview requires much more training on inter-personal skills than structured interview. This deliberately aims to elicit unconscious as well as extremely personal feelings and emotions. In-depth interview  is generally a lengthy procedure designed to encourage free expression of affectively charged information. It requires probing. The interviewer should totally avoid advising or showing disagreement. Of course, he should use encouraging expressions like “uh-huh” or “I see” to motivate the respondent to continue narration. Some times the interviewer has to face the problem of affections, i.e. the respondent may hide expressing affective feelings. The interviewer should handle such situation with great care. Many researchers don’t know how to conduct an in-depth interview well. Here are some tips for conducting more effective in-depth interviews. Start the Continue reading

Questionnaires: Meaning and Types

A questionnaire is a form prepared and distributed to respondents secure responses to certain questions. It is a device for securing answers questions by using a form which the respondent fills by himself. It is a systematic compilation of questions that are submitted to a sample drawn the population from which information is desired. It is an important instrument in normative survey research, being used to gather information from widely scattered sources. The questionnaire procedure normally comes into use where one cannot readily see personally all of the people from whom he desires responses or where there is no particular reason to see them personally. Purposes of questionnaire in research are two fold: To collect information from the respondents who are scattered in a vast area and To achieve success in collecting reliable and dependable data. Types of Questionnaire There are diverse forms of questionnaire used in research. These are Continue reading

The Purpose of Research

Research is the process of a systematic and in-depth study or search of any particular topic, subject or area of investigation, involving collection, compilation, presentation and interpretation of relevant details or data. It is a careful search or inquiry into any subject matter, which is an  endeavor  to discover to find out valuable facts which would be useful for solving problems or improving existing solutions to problems. The research that involves scientific analysis would result in the formulation of new theories, the discovery of new techniques, modification of old concepts or a knocking-off an existing theory, concept or technique. Research has proved to be a powerful tool in driving the mankind towards development. That is why, the terms Research and Development (R and D) are now used as twins as Research & Development (R&D). John W.Best observes that, “the secret of our development has been research pushing back the areas Continue reading

How to Write a Good Literature Review

A literature review is the summary and critical evaluation of previous published or unpublished researches made by various scholars and researchers. The source of literature review may be newspapers, articles, journals, magazines, books, thesis, reports, websites, wikis etc. It may also include discussions, methodological issues and suggestions for future research. The literature review  must be written clearly and accurately. Simple and easily understandable wording should be used in a review and unnecessary statements, jargons should be avoided. It must be written in such a way that it keeps reader’s attention and don’t make him bore. Don’t make it too complex. Simplify discussion. A good literature review gives only the relevant details, findings and feelings of the researcher comprehensively otherwise the reader lose the interest & attention. Here comprehensiveness does not mean that you should mention every research report, article or paper that has ever been published on your subject. Concentrate Continue reading