Quantitative analysis is a scientific approach to decision making. As a first step to decision making, decision model has to be evolved. The decision model depends on two factors, namely the problem and the problem environment. Defining the Problem The first step in decisions making is defining the problem. The problem (i.e. the threat, opportunity, etc.) must be fully understood as to its nature, dimensions, intensity and so on. Take labor absenteeism. It becomes a problem when it is rampant affecting work schedules. (one or two absentees, here and there is no problem). What is its nature? Deliberate absenteeism, absenteeism due to unavoidable causes, absenteeism as a mark of protest to certain managements attitudes/actions, absenteeism due to healthy/family/social reasons, etc. are indicative of the nature of the problem of absenteeism. Specific nature must be understood, since each type of absenteeism needs a Continue reading
Research Basics
Interpretation of Research Data
Interpretation of research data means drawing inference from the collected facts and computed statistics or test statistics. The task of interpretation has two major aspects; The effort to establish continuity in research through linking the results of given study with those of others, and The establishment of some explanatory concepts. In one sense, interpretation is concerned with relationship within the collected data, partially overlapping analysis. Interpretation also extends beyond the data of the study to include the results of other research, theory and hypotheses. Thus, interpretation is the devise through which the factors that seem to explain what has been observed by researchers in the course of the study can be better understood and it also provides a theoretical conception which can serve as a guide for further research. Process of Interpretation of Research Data The interpretation of research data is not an easy job, rather it requires a great Continue reading
Sample Design – Meaning, Steps, Criteria and Characteristics
A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for the sample. Sample design also leads to a procedure to tell the number of items to be included in the sample i.e., the size of the sample. Hence, sample design is determined before the collection of data. Among various types of sample design technique, the researcher should choose that samples which are reliable and appropriate for his research study. Steps in Sample Design There are various steps which the researcher should follow. Those are; Type of universe: In the first step the researcher should clarify and should be expert in the study of universe. The universe may be finite (no of items are know) or Infinite (numbers of items are not know). Sampling unit: A decision has to be Continue reading
Writing the Research Report
Research Report is the major component of the research study. Report writing is the important stage in the research activity. The hypothesis of the study, the objective of the study and the data collection and data analysis can be well presented in report. This report writing will help others to understand the findings of the research. Report writing is integral part of research and hence it cannot be isolated. Report writing is not a mechanical process but it is an art. It requires skill. Different Steps in Report Writing: It is the critical stage and hence it requires patience. These is no mechanical formulate to present a report, though there are certain steps to be followed while writing a research report. The usual steps in report writing can be indicated in the following manner: Logical analysis of subject matter. Preparation of final outline. Preparation of Rough Draft. Rewriting and Polishing. Continue reading
Using Different Types of Surveys for Data Collection in Research
Surveying means contacting for getting certain information. Survey method is a method of collecting data for research purpose. There are personal surveys, mail surveys, telephone surveys and internet surveys. Survey may be sample survey or census survey. The features of each of surveys are given below: Personal Survey Personal survey involves meeting personally every number who has to be surveyed. The features of this method of data collection are as follows. The number of respondents that can be contacted is not very high, as the time taken to contact the respondent, and the time spent on the interview itself is very high in relative terms. When the time available for research in large the personal method is used. The cost involved is highest in the personal method since it requires field interviewers as well as their conveyance/ traveling costs. Also, if a person is not available he may have to Continue reading
Primary Stages of Research Process
Research is a source which can be draw upon to make a substantial contribution to the body of the knowledge; research should be followed by some sort of original contribution. The primary stages of any research process includes: Observation: Research start with observation, which leads to curiosity to learn more about what has been observed. Observation can either be unaided visual observation or guided and controlled observation. Sometimes a casual or associated observation leading to substantial research and a great invention. Deliberate and guided observation can also form the basis for research. While observation leads to research, research results in elaborate observation and convulsions; or even further research observation can either be subjective or objective. These are participant observation, on —participant observation, controlled observation and non-controlled observation. Interest: The observation of certain occurrences creates an interest and inquisitiveness in the mind of the researcher to study it further. This is Continue reading