Naïve Diversification of Investment Portfolio

Portfolios may be diversified in a naïve manner, without really applying the principles of Markowitz diversification, which is discussed at length in the next paragraph. Naïve diversification, where securities are selected on a random basis only reduces the risk of a portfolio to a limited extent. When the securities included in such a portfolio number around ten to twelve, the portfolio risk decreases to the level of the systematic risk in the market. It may also be noted that beyond fifteen shares, there is no decrease in the total risk of a portfolio. Before discussing about portfolio diversification process, what the researches of investors and investment analysts have found is to be set out briefly. Firstly, they found that putting all eggs in one basket is bad and most risky. Secondly, there should be adequate diversification of investment into various securities as that will spread the risk and reduce it; Continue reading

Trading Participants in the Derivatives Market

The trading participants in the derivatives market are as follows: 1. Hedgers The process of managing the risk or risk management is called as hedging. Hedgers are those individuals or firms who manage their risk with the help of derivative products. Hedging does not mean maximizing of return. The main purpose for hedging is to reduce the volatility of a portfolio by reducing the risk. 2. Speculators Speculators do not have any position on which they enter into futures and options Market i.e., they take the positions in the futures market without having position in the underlying cash market. They only have a particular view about future price of a commodity, shares, stock index, interest rates or currency. They consider various factors   like demand and supply, market positions, open interests, economic fundamentals,   international events, etc. to make predictions. They take risk in turn from high returns. Speculators are Continue reading

Buy Back of Securities

Buy Back of Securities  means the purchase by the company of its own shares. Buy-back of equity shares is an important mode of capital restructuring. It is a corporate financial strategy which involves capital restructuring and is prevalent globally with the underlying objectives of increasing earnings per share, averting hostile takeovers, improving returns to the stakeholders and realigning the capital structure. Buy Back of Securities is done by the company with the purpose to improve liquidity in its shares and enhance the shareholders’ wealth. Under the SEBI (Buy Back of Securities) Regulations, 1998, a company is permitted to buy back its shares from: existing shareholders on a proportionate basis through the offer document; open market through stock exchanges using book building process; and  shareholders holding odd lot shares. The company has to disclose the pre and post-buy back holdings of the promoters. To ensure completion of the buy back process Continue reading

Stock Market Index

The general movement of the stock market is usually measured by averages or indices consisting of groups of securities that are supposed to represent the entire stock market or its particular segments. Thus, Security Market Indices (or) Security Market Indicators provide a summary measure of the behavior of security prices and the stock market. The principal stock market indices used in India are the Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitive Index (BSE Sensex) and the S&P CNX Nifty known as the NSE Nifty (National Stock Exchange Fifty). Purpose of an Index The security market indices are indicators of different things and are useful for different purposes. The following are the important uses of a stock market index: Security market indices are the basic tools to help and analyze the movements of prices of various stocks listed on stock exchanges and are useful indicators of a country’s economic health. The return on the Continue reading

Definition of Portfolio Managers

Portfolio managers are defined as persons who, in pursuance of a contract with client, advise/ direct undertake on their behalf the management/ administration of portfolio of securities/ funds of clients. The term portfolio means the total holding of securities belonging to any person. The portfolio management can be: Discretionary: the first type of portfolio management permits the exercise of discretion in regard to investment/ management of the portfolio of the securities /funds. Non-discretionary: the non-discretionary portfolio manager should manage the funds in accordance with the direction of client. In order to carry on portfolio management services, a certificate of registration from SEBI is mandatory for all portfolio managers. But for category 1 and 2 merchant banker a separate registration is not required to act as a portfolio manager. They have, however, To carry on the portfolio management activity within the framework of SEBI regulations applicable to portfolio managers. The SEBI Continue reading

Random Walk Theory

History of  Random Walk Theory The term ‘Random Walk’ was popularized by the 1973 book, “A Random Walk Down Wall Street”, by Burton Malkiel, Professor of Economics and Finance at Princeton University. Burton G. Malkiel, did a test where his students were given a hypothetical stock that was initially worth fifty dollars. The closing stock price for each day was determined by a coin flip. If the result was heads the price would close a half point higher, and subsequently if the result was tails, it would close a half point lower. Each time there was a fifty-fifty chance of the price closing higher or lower than the previous day. There were cycles or trends determined from the tests. Malkiel then took the results in a chart and graph form to a chartist (a person who “seeks to predict future movements by seeking to interpret past patterns on the assumption Continue reading