Organizational Downsizing – Definition and Reasons

Organizational downsizing is the conscious use of permanent personnel reductions in an attempt to improve efficiency and/or effectiveness. Downsizing is being regarded by management as one of the preferred routes to turning around declining organizations, cutting cost and improving organizational performance most often as a cost-cutting measure. Main Reasons for Organizational Downsizing Corporate downsizing has been the biggest fallout of the troubled times, the world is witnessing. As we continue our efforts to fight the global downturn, downsizing has become a stark reality. There are a number of reasons why a company downsizes its employee base. Merging of two or more firms: When a certain firm combines its operations with another firm and operates as a single entity, in order to stay in profit or expand the market reach, it is called a merger. In case of a merger, certain positions become redundant. The same work is done by two Continue reading

The Effect of Organizational Culture on Decision Making

To define organizational culture, people should understand what culture means in a society. In a broad sense, culture is the summation of spiritual values and material values which was recognized and formed in the historical activities of the society. In a narrow sense, culture is the ideology and the organization, rules which matched with it. But the organizational culture is different from the culture in traditional meaning, and it is the result of effect from several elements such as the awareness, character, habit of the member in the organization and their scientific and cultural level. Organizational culture is the beliefs and values that are shared and it is based on the organization, and forming with the organization or dying with the organization, it exist no matter it has been presented. As a kind of culture which formed in a organization, organizational culture can be influenced by the managers, and that Continue reading

Strategic Planning Process – Five Stages of Strategic Planning Process

Any company who is trying to become major power in market has to have a properly defined strategy. Strategy is the term which is used to define specific outline according to which the company is going to act in future. It gives a well designed structure that the company will follow in coming time. Strategy is decided according to changing market trends, changing customer’s needs, changing stake holder’s interests and changing actions of competitors. Company need to have proper information about the target they are going to achieve. As per the target they set a strategy. Organizations have definite values and missions. Their stakeholders have several expectations from the company and its operation. Company should regulate their proceedings under some stretch or domain. The management of the company work, regulation of its actions, deciding the proper strategy for future, and successful implementation and evaluation of all the strategy comes under Continue reading

Stakeholder Analysis – Stakeholder Power and Interest Mapping

We can classify an organization’s stakeholders into Primary and Secondary. The primary stakeholders are those without whose continuing participation a firm cannot exist. They include shareholders & investors, employees, contractors, customers & suppliers. On the other hand, secondary stakeholders are those who influence or affect or are influenced by, the corporation, but they are not engaged in transactions with the corporation or essential for its survival. They include media, action groups, government agencies, trade unions, regulatory authorities. Stakeholder management is the process of managing the expectation of anyone that has an interest in a project or will be effected by its deliverables or outputs. Any company which aims to achieve long term success has to chalk out a strategy for managing its stakeholders. There are two major elements to Stakeholder Management: Stakeholder Analysis and Stakeholder Planning. Stakeholder Analysis is the technique used to identify the key people who have to Continue reading

Strategic Control Process – Meaning and Process

Strategic Control “ It is the process by which managers monitor the ongoing activities of an organization and its members to evaluate whether activities are being performed efficiently and effectively and to take corrective action to improve performance if they are not” -Sam Walton Managers exercise strategic control when they work with the part of the organisation they  have influence over to ensure that it achieves the strategic aims that have been set for it. To do this effectively, the managers need some decision making freedom: either to decide what needs to be achieved or how best to go about achieving the strategic aims. Such decision making freedom is one of the characteristics that differentiate strategic control from other forms of control exercised by managers (e.g. Operational control – the management of operational processes). Strategic controls take into account the changing assumptions that determine a strategy, continually evaluate the strategy Continue reading

Mergers and Acquisitions – Synergies through Consolidation

Synergy implies a situation where the combined firm is more valuable than the sum of the individual combining firms. It is defined as ‘two plus two equal to five’ (2+2>4) phenomenon. Synergy refers to benefits other than those related to economies of scale. Operating economies are one form of synergy benefits. But apart from operating economies, synergy may also arise from enhanced managerial capabilities, creativity, innovativeness, R&D and market coverage capacity due to the complementarily of resources and skills and a widened horizon of opportunities. An under valued firm will be a target for acquisition by other firms. However, the fundamental motive for the acquiring firm to takeover a target firm may be the desire to increase the wealth of the shareholders of the acquiring firm.  This is possible only if the value of the new firm is expected to be more than the sum of individual value of the Continue reading