Risk is the combination of the probability of an event and its impacts. It is the possibility of an event and its effect that constitute benefits or impediments to success in an undertaking. In an enterprise, identification of a hazard has both a helpful and a harmful aspects. Consequently, both the benefits and threats to the success of business operations are considered in the assessment of risk. When focusing on safety, risk only takes the perspective of negative consequences. As a result, it focuses on the alleviation and avoidance of harm. Threat management is vital in organizations’ tactical management. It entails a process where organizations tackle the risks connected to their actions with the objective of attaining constant benefit within individual activities and across a range of all actions. Businesses are affected by both interior and exterior factors relating to risks. Some risks can be categorized as external, while others Continue reading
Management Concepts
Information Systems and Business Forecasting
The business provided support for using Decision Support Systems (DSS) and addressed the following issues: techniques within the DSS, corporation needs and limitations, the forecast cost effectiveness, and the appropriate software system. Sales forecasting is an integral part of marketing DSS. The DSS contains tools to help the forecaster prepare better forecasts; tools are data, records of previous forecasting, and techniques. Forecasts assist marketing managers improve decision-making. In an organizational design context, forecasting should not be regarded as a self-contained activity, but should be integrated within the planning context of which it is a part. When an organization has its own forecasting expertise (prepares its own forecasts) that expertise should not be separated into a self-contained department. Forecasting and planning functions should be combined. Involvement of the forecasters in planning enables them to select criteria for evaluating forecasting methods that are meaningful within the planning context. Managers must go Continue reading
Stimulus Generalization and Stimulus Discrimination in Organizations
Stimulus Generalization in Organizations Stimulus generalization refers to how people recognize the same or similar stimuli in different settings. In other words, it is the process by which they can generalize a contingent reinforcement from one setting to another. Consider the plant manager of a manufacturing company who has a history of effective troubleshooting. Over the years he has been assigned to several plants, each with a serious operating problem. After successfully dealing with the difficulties, he has always received an extended vacation, a bonus and an increase in his base salary. He has learned the basic contingencies or requirements of reinforcement for his job. The stimulus is the assignment, the response is correcting problems and the consequences are several positive reinforcers. When the manager gets his next assignment, he will probably generalize from his past experiences even though he will be in a different plant with different problems and Continue reading
Scope of Management Control System
A management control system refers to the framework by which managers can ensure control over the actions of their subordinates as well as control over the organization as a whole. It is a total system in the sense that it embraces all aspects of the firm’s operations so that the different parts of the organization are in balance with one another. According to Anthony, “A management control system is an explicit set of activities, policies, procedures and reports intended to institutionalize the, formal aspects of the management control process.” This definition reveals that the scope of management control system is not necessarily restricted to measuring, the performance of a subordinate manager toward the achievement of an objective established for, his function. Performance evaluation is only a part of management control. Control system should not be confused with a control method, which is merely one of the many elements of control Continue reading
Role of Service Industries in Economic Growth
The pursuit of service economy, which dictates the specialization in the service industries, is one of the newest economic concepts that ensure the realization of the economic growth. The adoption of this form of economy will allow countries to transform the dimensions of their economic standards in a positive way. In this regard, countries would need to develop more service industries rather than manufacturing industries due to flexibility in the international trade. Similarly, the concept of service economy incorporates the need for improvement of services and product provision. Based on these factors, service industries should mainly focus on financial services, health, education, tourism, and distribution. The degree of mobility of these services is high, and they can be cheaply transferred from one location to another. Additionally, geographical factors do not hinder the performance of these services. As a result, industries should focus on service delivery to their customers, which increases their Continue reading
Span of Management -Meaning and Factors Determining
An organization is characterized by the presence of a number of levels and departments. But more the levels are created, more will be the administrative cost due to additional staff required and more will be the difficulties to be encountered in communication and controlling. If this is so, why create departments and levels? Answer to this question is provided by the principle of span of management. This is basically the problem of deciding the number of subordinates to report directly to each manager. The principle states that there is a limit to the number of subordinates that each manager can effectively supervise. The term “span of management” is often referred to as span of control, span of supervisions, span of responsibility or span of authority. But the term “span of management” should preferably be used since span is one of management and not merely or control which is just important Continue reading